Number and type of the engines….. 2 TV3-117 VMA turbo-shafts Engine power, h.p. ….. 2200 TO weight, kg …..12000 Main rotor diameter, m …..15,9 Airframe dimensions (length, height, width), m….. 12,25х5,4х3,8 Flight speed, km/h maximum…..270 cruise …..250 Hovering ceiling, m …..5000 Practical flight range with internal fuel, km….. 800 Tactical radius (RT), km …..200 Mission endurance at RT, h: search-attack version…..2,0 search version …..2,5 Weapons: homing torpedo…..1 torpedo-rocket…..1 PLAB 250-120 bombs…..10 OMAB bombs …..2 Crew …..3