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Finance Leasing Company

International Aviation & Space Salon
Classical Leasing from FLC

Leasing of medical facilities

Leasing of medical facilities

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Leasing of medical facilities
Leasing has proved to be an effective tool to attract funds to the real sector of Russian economy.
Vladimir Putin
President of the RF

Clinical centers, being a key element of the public medical care, today are in exigency of the fixed assets renewal. Most of the hospitals have been equipped as far as 10-20 years ago and primary equipment either is inconsistent with the modern medicine requirements or is practically disabled.

Radical modernization and purchase of new diagnostic and other instrumentation are required to provide normal operation and further development of the medical institutions. This problem has been studied and analyzed for a long time by our Company together with the experts of the major medical centers, Russian and foreign insurance and engineering companies and
companies-manufacturers of the medical equipment.

The mechanisms developed and financial tools enabled us to occupy a fitting place at the medical equipment market. For instance, in December 2003 Finance Leasing Company, PC made a deal with Swedish company ELEKTA INSTRUMENT AB for manufacturing and supplying of Leksell Gamma Knife neuro-surgical equipment to be supplied to N.N. Burdenko SRI of neuro-surgery. Ingosstrakh, PC acted as the insurer of the transaction.

We offer our cooperation to all interested medical institutions in the field of leasing of modern medical and diagnostic equipment.

Finance Leasing, PC is a Russian enterprise. It has the largest paid up capital stock amounting to 110 million US dollars among domestic leasing companies. At present, Finance Leasing, PC has successful experience of leasing tools implementation at the Russian enterprises.

Finance Leasing, PC provides for integrated execution of the projects in the scope of industrial equipment modernization subject to all required arrangements.

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   About the company
Zaritsky Evgeny Borisovich
Brezgin Boris Egorovitch
Ostrovsky Izmail Ruslanovich
Galperin Sergey Borisovich
Gorshkov Vyacheslav Petrovich

Modern Aircraft Manufacture and Leasing

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Leasing Services for Russian Defense Enterprises

Mechanical engineering and leasing of industrial equipment

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Shipbuilding and Leasing of Commercial Vessels

Leasing of Commercial Vessels

Leasing of medical facilities

Leasing of medical facilities

Power engineering, agriculture and housing and communal services

Leasing of housing and communal facilities
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