:.. / Finance Leasing Company


Russian Federation - 58%,
Tartar Republic and a number of state-owned and private companies.

Board of Directors of FLC

    President of the Board of Directors of FLC:
  • Koptev Yurij Nikolaevich
    President of the Board of Directors of FLC:
  • Burlakov Andrey Anatolievich
  • Vyazalov Sergey Yurievich
  • Isaev Yurij Olegovich
  • Kondrashov Alexandr Ivanovich
  • Kononenko Sergey Alexandrovich
  • Koptev Yurij Nikolaevich
  • Ryiskina Tatyana Mihailovna
  • Musin Robert Renatovich
  • Muhin Sergey Pavlovich
  • Hairullin Nail Gumerovich
  • Hidirbekov Adyil Rufetovich

Dynamics of stock capital

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