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IMDS 2005

International Maritime Defence Show
29.06-03.07 2005, St. Petersburg, Russia
Mvdv exhibition catalogue
Contact information Send request to the exhibition

Expositions and partitions

All expositions
Naval shipbuilding
Weapons, armament and weapon control systems
Combat control systems, communication aids, electronic, radar and sonar equipment
Propulsion plants, ship systems, equipment and gear
Naval aviation (fleet and shore-based aviation)
Navigation, hydrography and meteorology for Navy operations
Weapon systems of Navy shore-based units and marines
Equipment for search and rescue operations
Education and personnel training
Advanced materials and technologies
Financing of projects, support, insurance and consulting services
Media and publications

All exhibition partitions IMDS


26.11.2004 Preparations for the IMDS-2005 International Maritime Defence Show are steaming full speed ahead
26.11.2004 A presentation of the IMDS-2005 International Maritime Defence Show took place at Le Bourget
25.11.2004 Message from Exhibition Operator
News archve

Participant's list

Participants IMDS 2005

Participants IMDS 2003

Statistics of the exhibition IMDS

Number of the exhibition


Total number of exhibitors at the previous exhibition


Total number of visitors at the previous exhibition



Once per 2 years

Organizers IMDS 2005

Federal Industry Agency
IMDS is held under patronage of
Maritime Collegium of the Russian Government
Supported by:
Defence Ministry of Russian Federation
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russian Federation
Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation
Government of St.Petersburg
Rosoboronexport State Corporation


Morskoy Salon JSC
168, Leninsky av., (P.O.Box 30), St.Petersburg, 196191, Russia
Tel/fax: +7 (812) 4490260, 3709061
E-mail: [email protected]
Detailed information about participation in IMDS >>>


Searching :  
Titanium semi-products, Aluminum alloy products, Semi-products from alloy steels, Machine-building production
Morskoy Salon, JSC

Morskoy Salon JSC is Exhibition Operator of IMDS.

The second International Maritime Defence Show (IMDS 2005) wil...
MMPP Salut
AL-31 F aircraft turbofan engine, D-436T1/T2 engines, R-15B-300, D-27

Multifunction control panels, SBKV-85, Magnetometer МА-4М, Magnetometer МА-2
M?nch Publishing Group
Military Technology, Naval Forces, NATO’s Nations and Partners For Peace, Rivista Italiana Difesa
NPO Mashinostroeniya. Federal Scientific and Production Center
NPO Mashinostroyenia is one of the largest and unique rocket-space enterprises of Russia which has implemented more than 50 larg...
About exposition:

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