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International Aviation & Space Salon
August 16-21, 2005, FRI named after M.M.Gromov, Zhukovsky
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General conditions of Partisipation

Information Service:  

Format for printing:  

1. Organizers

The International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS’2003 in Russia will be held at the airfield of the Gromov Flight Research Institute in Zhukovsky, Moscow Region. The Government of the Russian Federation organizes this event. The preparation and control of the Exhibition are vested in the AVIASALON Public Limited Company.

2. Dates

Duration of the event: August 19 - 24, 2003
Business visitors days: August 19 - 24, 2003
Trade days: August 19 - 21, 2003
Public days: August 22 - 24, 2003 
Registration deadline: March 1,2003
Final payment deadline: July 15, 2003
Construction: August 9 - 18, 2003
Dismantling: August 25 - 27, 2003
for exhibitors 9 AM - 7 PM
for professional and 
private visitors 10 AM - 6 PM

3. Application to Exhibit

The main documents that determine the agreement between Exhibitor and Organizer are:
1. Application Form
2. General Conditions of Participation 
3. Contract with enclosures (Forms 2-10)
4. The Notes for Pilots Participating in the Flying Display
These General Conditions of Participation is the integral part of the Contract.
To register for MAKS'2003 exhibitors must submit to the AVIASALON PLC completed, signed and stamped APPLICATION TO EXHIBIT Form and pay the registration fee and a 25% deposit not later than March 1,2003 in accordance with the AVIASALON invoice.
The application must be submitted before the deadline. Applications submitted thereafter will be considered, if the Exhibition space is available. 
Special requirements to the exhibition space (double-store, island, three- and two-open sides stands) must be requested in the special blank (Form 9) until May 1, 2003 and will be considered by the Organizer. In these special cases the basic rental rate will be increased . Revisions and amendments may be sent to the Organizer not later than June 15, 2003.

4. Registration

Having received APPLICATION TO EXHIBIT Form the AVIASALON PLC sends the invoice and assign a password and log-in to the Exhibitor. Upon receiving the payment the AVIASALON PLC conducts the registration and open assess to the INTERNET on-line Exhibition Manual. The forms included into the Exhibition Manual should be completed and E-mailed back. The forms may be sent to Exhibitor in any other way by request.
The date indicated on the Exhibitor's payment order is the date of registration.
After registration the ensuing liabilities will be legally binding for the AVIASALON PLC, even if the exhibits do not arrive at the exhibition in time (e.g. due to loss, delayed transport or customs clearance) or do not arrive at all, or if entry visas for the Exhibitor or his representatives are not issued in time or not at all.

5. Stand Allocation

AVIASALON PLC allocates stands in accordance with the subject and the layout of this Exhibition, and depending on the space available. Special stand requirements (Form 9) will be considered where possible.
Exchange of the allocated stand with another Exhibitor, or the partial or complete transfer of the stand to third parties are not permitted unless a relevant agreement has been made with AVIASALON PLC.

6. Co-exhibitors and Joint Stands

Co-exhibitors are all firms exhibiting at the stand of the main tenant. The co-exhibitor shall be subjected to the same conditions as the main Exhibitor and may pay for his participation at the Salon by himself. The Exhibitor must submit to the AVIASALON PLC a list of all Co-exhibitors or Joint Stand Exhibitors. The Exhibitor must not transfer space allotted to him or its parts to third parties for payment or free of charge without prior written consent of the AVIASALON PLC.
The Exhibitor registered as the main Exhibitor shall be liable to the AVIASALON PLC for the Co-exhibitors’ fees and damages caused by Co-exhibitors. 
Each Co-exhibitor or Joint Stand exhibitor must pay the registration fee and obligatory entry into the official catalogue of MAKS'2003.

7. Exhibits

Only exhibits indicated in the list of exhibits (Form 3) and having appropriate permitting documents to be exhibited at international shows may be displayed.
Exhibits should not be moved to other exhibition areas without the AVIASALON PLC approval and may only be supplemented or replaced within the hour before or the hour after the daily opening time. Exhibits may not be removed before the end of exhibition without the AVIASALON PLC written approval.
AVIASALON PLC may insist that exhibits be removed if they were not included in the List of exhibits, if they constitute an annoyance or hazard, or if they are not compatible with the objectives of the event. If the exhibitor does not response adequately, AVIASALON PLC reserves the right to remove the exhibits at the Exhibitor’s expense. 

8. Prohibited and Weapon Exhibits

The Organizer prohibits exhibiting of combat weapons, live ammunition, explosives, radioactive materials or external tanks containing fuel or an air-fuel mixture anywhere within the exhibition areas or on any aircraft entering or departing the exhibition site.
The Exhibitor may display:
- missiles, bombs, ammunition that contain no live charge and no primer;
- missile launches, ejection seats and aircraft guns in condition, which prevents firing or release of an explosive armament store;
- weapons for display that have been designed and made as non-operational or have been deactivated and are not capable of being converted into operational weapons.
In accordance with the RF Law all exhibits that present military technology are subject to licensing. For simplifying the customs procedures and getting licenses in time the Foreign Exhibitor should send to AVIASALON PLC the List of Military Exhibits (Form 3 a) not later than June 15, 2003 or fill-in and sign the obligation that his exposition does not include the weapon items (Form 3). 
Upon completion or termination of the event such items must be removed immediately from the exhibition site.

9. Terms of Payment

The Exhibitor will be charged for the following items:
a) registration fee (obligatory);
b) space rental and renting of static display areas for aircraft;
c) entry into the Official Catalogue (obligatory).
The space rental and registration fee includes charges for the following services :
· general Exhibition area guards;
· general lighting of the Exhibition space;
· cleaning of the Exhibition area, of the passage ways in the halls and open-air grounds and removal of waste during the construction, holding and dismantling phases;
· services of the Exhibition personnel (administration, inspectors, ticket collectors, electricians on duty, sanitary equipment attendants, etc.);
· limited number of Exhibitor's passes in dependence of rented area
The following services are available for an additional charge :
· installation of stand equipment and fascia board (under a separate contract) ;
· telephone, fax; 
· E-mail, Internet, data transmission (under a separate contract);
· water and electric power supplies;
· advertising for the third party within the Exhibitor’s rented stand (under a separate contract); 
· Exhibitor's and Business Visitor's passes;
· vehicle passes;
· audio and video equipment (under a separate contract);
· cleaning;
· private security cover (under a separate contract).
· hostesses, interpreters (Form 5 c)
All the prices and fees are presented in the Contract or in the Appendix1. 
Value Added Tax (VAT) is not included in the prices and fees and must be added to them. 
If the AVIASALON PLC offers services by third parties on a base of direct contract, it assumes no responsibility, guaranty or liability.
The advance payment (25% of the space rental) and the registration fee should be paid to the date indicated in the invoice (but not later than March 1, 2003). These payments are not subject to reimbursement. 
Final payments according to the Contract between an Exhibitor and AVIASALON PLC (Form 2) presented in the corresponding invoice should be paid by the date indicated in the invoice, but not later than July 15, 2003. 
In case of delayed payments, the latter will have to be effected with a double tariff.
The right to occupy the stand will only be secured after all terms of payment have been met. If the Exhibitor fails to meet the deadlines, the AVIASALON PLC is entitled to withdraw the Contract. The Exhibitor will not be reimbursed for remittances already made.
If the Exhibitor fails to meet any obligations, the AVIASALON PLC is entitled to retain the stand equipment and exhibits provided by the Exhibitor.
In case the AVIASALON PLC has not provided completely the ordered services already paid for, the payment will be reimbursed to the Exhibitor. The Exhibitor's claim signed by authorized personnel must be submitted only until the end of the event - August 24, 2003.

10. Discounts 

If the payments are completed until May 1, 2003, 10% discount from space and static display areas rent takes effect. This discount is not applicable for chalets.
The enterprises that belong to Russian Aviation and Space Agency have privileged prices for renting exhibition areas. 

11. Withdrawal from the Contract

Withdrawal from the Contract by the Exhibitor can be carried out by the Exhibitor’s submission of an application in written form. It becomes effective after the Organizer receives the application. In this case, there will be refunded to the Exhibitor 50% of the participation fee provided the Organizer is notified after the registration, but not later than 4 weeks prior to the opening of the Exhibition. If the Contract is canceled after the specified time period, the sums remitted will be forfeited.
If a Co-exhibitor or a joint-stand tenant cancel their participation at the Exhibition, the Co-exhibitor’s rental must be paid in full by the main Exhibitor.
Withdrawal from the Contract by AVIASALON PLC can be carried out in the following circumstances:
- if full payment for the rental has not been paid in time;
- if the Exhibitor repeatedly defies safety, order and flight operation instructions and requirements of these General Conditions of Participating;
- if the Exhibitor participating in flight operations fails to submit proof of insurance and refuses to pay for the cost of subsequent insurance;
- if a stand is not obviously equipped in time, i.e. 24 hours before the official opening of the event or a stand is not obviously occupied in 24 hours after the opening;
- if items other that those listed in Exhibition profile are displayed.
In case of withdrawal from the Contract by AVIASALON PLC the Exhibitor is not entitled to reimbursement of the fees paid.

12. Construction and Dismantling

Construction: August 9 - 18, 2003
Dismantling: August 25 - 27, 2003
The exhibition stands must be properly equipped and serviced by qualified personnel.
Exhibitors are responsible for providing security cover for their equipment and exhibits during construction and dismantling. 
Packing materials should be removed or registered in the storehouses 1 day before the Exhibition. 
Exhibits should be installed and dismantled by the Exponents.
If dismantling work is not finished in time, the AVIASALON PLC is entitled to remove the exhibits or place them in storage at the Exhibitor’s expense. The Exhibitor should pay storage costs according to the existing prices at the storehouse.
At the end of the event the Exhibitor should return to the Organizer's authorized person the rented space and equipment in good condition. Otherwise, the Exhibitor should cover the caused damage.

13. Stand-building

MAKS 2003 Official Stand-builders are
tel/ fax +7(095) 151 8001; +7(095) 408 7848
E-mail:[email protected]

and Sankt-Petersburg Messe,
tel. +7(812) 277 2301; fax +7(812) 277 1789 
Exhibition stands should be in accordance with the layout of the Exhibition. The AVIASALON PLC reserves the right to prohibit the construction of the inadequately equipped stands. The exhibition stands must be visual harmony with the exhibition and occupied by suitable professionals during opening hours. Stand design and exhibit displays must provide open communication with visitors.
In case of individual stand-building the Exhibitor should submit requested data of his Stand-builder and detailed stand layout not later than June 15, 2003.

14. Security cover and cleaning

Exhibitors are responsible for providing security cover for their own exhibition stands. They are advised to take out suitable insurance to cover any damages that may occur. Valuable, easy removed objects should be locked up at night. Private security staff may be employed to guard the stand / aircraft upon preliminary written application (Form 10 ).
Exhibitors are responsible for cleaning their stands. This work must be completed each day before the event opens. (From 9 AM to 10 AM)
If the Exhibitor does not employ his own staff for cleaning this work should be ordered under the Contract (Form 2).
Exhibitors are responsible for removing waste during the period of construction and dismantling. The AVIASALON PLC can provide advice on this matter. 

15.Technical Conditions

There are provided:
· standard power supplies :
220/380 V, 50 Hz up to 10A.
The exhibits critical to voltage oscillations are necessary to be used with their own voltage stabilizers.
· water supply and drainage (water pressure 2,5 + 0,5 atm).

Technical requirements should be submitted on the layout scheme and in Form 9a strictly in the indicated time.
Total max power consumption should be indicated in Form 9 a and must not be exceeded during the event.
Power consumption in the exhibition halls is limited - 0,13 kWt / sqm rented area. Larger supplies are available upon special request.
Earthwork to lay cables, pipes, etc. is not permitted. 
Due to safety requirements, all the work concerning electrification and water supply are to be carried out by the specialists authorized by AVIASALON PLC.The Exhibitor is responsible for providing and meeting requirements of Labour Safety at his stand.

16. Duty Entrance Passes, Exhibitors' Passes and Vehicle Passes

· Duty entrance passes 
Each Exhibitor will be provided free of charge with workers passes for the Exhibitor’s representatives and for ancillary staff employed during construction and dismantling as well as with vehicle passes. These passes are valid only for a period of performing these works and don’t entitle to enter the exhibition grounds while the event is in progress. The Exhibitor should provide the Organizer with the complete list of staff in advance.
· Exhibitors' personal passes
Exhibitors may receive a limited number of personal EXHIBITOR passes free-of-charge in dependence of rented space: 
15 sq m stand – 3 passes; 
each additional 10 sq m – plus 1 pass; 
chalet – 10 passes;
1 aircraft - 3 - 5 passes (in dependence of tonnage)
The same number of additional passes may be purchased from AVIASALON Company through the Contract (Form 2) or in cash.
EXHIBITOR badges will be prepared by the Organizer according to the completed Form 5 and Form 5a of the Exhibition Manual. Exhibitors should provide the Organizer with the List of Personnel and 2 colour photos of each person until June 30, 2003.
Personal passes are valid for the period of assembling, holding and disassembling of the Exhibition and entitle their holders to free admission to the Exhibition. Transfer of a pass to another person is strictly prohibited.
· Business visitor's passes
Exhibitor may purchase Business Visitor passes (for participating specialists, guests, etc.) under the Contract or in cash. The Organizer will prepare a package of these passes according to completed Form 5b of the Exhibition Manual.
· Invitations
Exhibitor gets a limited number of free-of-charge Invitations (1 invitation per each 5 rented sqm).

· Vehicle passes
These passes are available for an additional fee. They entitle their holders to drive only to the parking area of the Exhibition complex or to the parking area near a chalet (for those who rent chalets). Each chalet tenant may receive not more than 4 vehicle passes.
The dates of validity are written in the passes. It is strictly prohibited to leave motor transport near the exhibition halls.

17. Flight Authorization

Exhibitors presenting aircraft should complete Form 6 of the Exhibition Manual for each aircraft. Having received it, the AVIASALON PLC will provide the Exhibitor with “Notes for Pilots Participating in the Flying Display” and the guide explaining how to reach the airfield of the Gromov Flight Research Institute. 
To receive approval to fly for the aircraft following documents should be submitted at the Flying Control Committee: 
· A Certificate of Airworthiness for the aircraft
· An aircraft insurance
· A third-party insurance
To take part in flight display the following documents should be submitted at the Flying Control Committee:
· A display pilot authorization application from pilot-in-command
· A valid license for the type of aircraft to be flown
· A medical certificate 
· An insurance policy. 
· A speaker’s text on aircraft characteristics and maneuvers.
· A full description of maneuvers (including figures of maneuvers) to be demonstrated in the flight display. The description of flight should be submitted in two variants: in case of good weather and in case of bad weather (with drawings attached).

18. Insurance

The compulsory types of insurance at MAKS’2003, without which the participants would not be admitted to training, demonstrative and display flights are as follows:
· third-party liability insurance of the exhibitor against damages caused to the health or property of third parties for the insured sum not smaller than the following ones, which depends on the take-off weight of aircraft:
over 110 tons -25 million USD;
from 30 to 110 tons-10 million USD;
from 8 to 30 tons - 5 million USD;
from 0 to 8 tons - 1 million USD;
Aircraft shall include airplanes, rotary-wing craft, airship, gliders, powered gliders, free and tethered balloons, kites, parachutes, model aircraft, air sports equipment and other equipment intended for use of air space, specifically to include spacecraft, rockets and similar missiles.
· insurance of passengers and other persons taken onboard the aircraft during performing the flight against death and injuries as a result of an air-accident for the insured sum of 20000 USD per each passenger;
· insurance of flying personnel’s life and health against death or injuries as a result of an air-accident for the insured sum of 20000 USD per each crew member.
· insurance against damages caused to the health of Exhibitor’s personnel during their relevant work within the Exhibition area.
MAKS 2003 General Insurer is INGOSSTRACH Insurance Company,
tel.:+7 (095) 959 4394; fax:+7 (095) 959 4518

19. Exhibition Catalogue

The official Catalogue will be published to the opening of the Exhibition. The obligatory entry and advertisement rates are given in Form 4.
Each Exhibitor will be provided free of charge with one copy of the Catalogue. 
The MAKS 2003 official publisher of the catalogue is RA INTERVESTNIK Publishing House, 
tel.: +7 (095) 254 7525; fax: +7 (095) 254 5584

20. Press Conferences, Presentations

The Conference Hall (250 sits) and the Presentation Hall (60 sits) are available at the exhibition site.
If the Exhibitor is going to rent a hall for press conference, presentation or other action during the event, he should submit completed Form 8 of the Exhibition Manual not later than July 15, 2003. The event will be included into the MAKS 2003 Programme. 
The AVIASALON PLC reserves the right to change the date and time after coordination with the Exhibitor. After mutual agreement the Exhibitor should pay the invoice for reservation until the indicated date. 

21. Advertising, Filming and Photography

AVIASALON PLC is entitled to arrange for photographs, films or video recording of events at the fair and of structures, stands, exhibits and persons present and to use these for advertising or press releases. No objections to this may be raised by the exhibitors for any reasons. This also applies to recording made by press or television crews with the approval of AVIASALON PLC. Exhibitors agree to waive all claims based on copyright infringement.
The advertising of all kinds is allowed only within the stand rented by the Exhibitor and only in the interests of Exhibitor’s company. 
Taking photographs, films and video recording with the professional facilities should be made only with written permission of the AVIASALON PLC.
Exhibitors are not permitted to interrogate visitors to find out their opinions out of the area of rented stand. 

22. Transport / Handling on site / Customs formalities

MAKS 2003 Sole Official Handling and Forwarding Agent and Customs Broker is ExpoWesTrans: 
Moscow , Russia; tel. : +7 (095) 205 6650;
fax: +7 (095) 253 9584, e-mail: [email protected]
The Exclusive Coordinator for the Entire International Participation is BTG Messe-Spedition GmbH: 
Langweid, Augsburg, Germany; tel.: +49 (0821) 498 6194, fax: +49 (0821) 498 6154
The official transport manual with all relevant information about transport, customs clearance and handling on fair site will be distributed by BTG and is available in February 2003. 
All exhibits and stand fitting material will be customs cleared under temporary import bond and must be re-exported from Russia immediately after the closing of the Exhibition. 
BTG Messe-Spedition will provide any information requested by international participants. 
All the exhibits and materials for stand decoration, which are the Exhibitor’s property and must be re-exported from Russia after the closing of the exhibition, can be imported duty-free. The Exhibitors through special circular letters of the forwarding agent will know all particulars of the entire transportation procedure including the handling of representational goods and printed matter.

23. Visa and Travel Formalities

All persons coming to the Exhibition on behalf of the Exhibitor or his representatives must be indicated on the list of personnel (Forms 5 and 5a).
The personal data must be submitted to AVIASALON PLC not later than 1 month prior to the opening of the Exhibition to ensure that visa support is forwarded to the Exhibitors in time.
AVIASALON PLC will provide exhibitors listed in Forms 5 and 5a with a Letter of Invitation valid for getting visa (upon request).
The Exhibitor may make use of services offered by the MAKS’2003 Official Authorized Tour Operator Lanta-Tur Voyage – Travel Company, which is responsible for hotel accommodation, transfer, cultural programs: 
tel.: +7 (095) 974 0058; fax: +7 (095) 974 7537

24. Direct Sales

Direct sales of small goods, magazines, books, model aircraft, etc. will be permitted through purchasing the Trade Permission at the AVIASALON PLC.
AVIASALON PLC will inform you on Trade rules and regulations.

25. Force Majeure

If, for reasons of force majeure, AVIASALON PLC is obliged to shorten or cancel an event that is already in progress or to limit flight demonstrations, Exhibitors shall not be entitled to claim reimbursement, total or partial paid for rental.

26. Conclusion

By submitting the application for participation and concluding the Contract for participation, the Exhibitor acknowledges these Conditions of Participation in all points. Any additional agreements, special permissions or other regulations are subject to written approval of the AVIASALON PLC.

27. Place of Jurisdiction

For both parties of the Contract, the place of jurisdiction will be the territory of the Russian Federation.
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