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Exposition in Complex MVDV Международные выставки


State Institute of Applied Optics

Send request to the company
Company name: State Institute of Applied Optics, Federal Scientific and Production Center, Scientific and Production Association (NPO GIPO)
Brief name company: NPO GIPO
Country: Russian Federation
Contact information: (843) 234-35-72, 234-18-03,
Address of the main office: Russian Federation, 420075 Kazan, Lipatov str., 2

Basic directions of activity

Investigations, designing and manufacturing:
- optic-electronic, radiometric and thermal vision devices of different purpose;
- special check-out and metrological equipments;
- optical technologies (aspherization of components, antireflecting coatings, highly reflecting mirrors, interference filters, IR-objectives); - diffractive optical elements (including holographic) and products on their base.

List of names of basic let out production

- thermal imaging observation device (sight) index 1PN79 for `Fagot`, `Konkurs-M`, `Kornet-E` anti-tank missile systems;
- thermal imaging sight (observation device) index 1PN86 for `Metis`, `Metis-M` anti-tank missile systems;
- IR-objectives;
- NSI-KM - automated infrared control and measuring complex; - collimators;
- diffraction optics;
- optical coatings.

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