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SPLAV State Research and Production Association, Federal State Unitary Enterp

State research-and-production enterprise

DP-62 ”Damba” self-propelled coastal defence multiple rocket launcher system


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The system is comprised of:
122 mm PRS-60 unguided Rocket Projectile.
BM-21 PD Launch Vehicle.
Transport Vehicle with a unified set of racks
The ever increasing threat posed by the frogmen when surface and underwater ships are based in the sea ports, bays, etc., makes it necessary to take active protective counfermeasures/ in particular, the enemy destruction on his approach to these objects.
For protection of the entries of the ships and submarines sea bases as well as for the maritime patrol of the sea border defensive areas against the underwater sabotage units and weapons at the ranges of fire from 300 to 5000 m the DAMBA MRLS was developed. Based on the
world`s most popular GRAD MRLS, DAMBA MRLS is comprised of BM-21PD launch vehicle which fires HE RPs. A mobile launch vehicle makes it possible to control a many kilometer frontier area and in some seconds to bring the enemy underwater sabotage units and weapons under a high-volume salvo fire,
”DAMBA” system is used for engagement of the enemy underwater sabotage units and weapons such as mini submarines and frogmen to ensure antisabotage defence at the entries of the sea bases.
The system is operated in conjugation with the sonar of the coastal defence system or in the self-contained mode. The system ensures its day/night performance and operational chracteristics in the operating temperatura range from minus 40 C to plus 50 C under different weather conditions (rain, fogg, snow-storm).

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