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Branch office of ARSRIRE-Navigator

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Branch office of ARSRIRE-Navigator
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Company name: Branch office of the JSC All Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Radio Equipment ARSRIRE-Navigator
Brief name company: Branch office of ARSRIRE-Navigator
Country: Russian Federation
Date of registration, who has registered, registration number, codes OKONH, OKPO, VAT: ИНН 7801236681
КПП 780102004
ОКПО 31049052

ОКОГУ 49001
ОКАТО 40263563000
ОКВЭД 73.10, 33.20.2, 29.56.9, 32.10.51, 32.10.6.
Head of the company: Vladimir I. Baburov
Contact information: (812) 356-76-89, 352-35-08, 356-76-89, 352-35-08, , www.navigat.ru
Address of the main office: Russian Federation, 199106 Saint-Petersburg, Nalichnay street, 20

Basic directions of activity

There are the development, production, modernization, repair and service ATC equipment, navigation, landing, intersection coordinate determination and aircraft collision warning in the air and with ground, enhanced ground proximity warning and air traffic control facilities.

There is the development and production UHF Ga-As analog microcircuits.

There is the development of the airborne equipment integrated system, combined the functions of listed systems in one integrated device.

List of names of basic let out production

Enhanced ground proximity warning system EGPWS (TAWS) . Small dimensioned DME interrogator VND-94; DME/P-85, CD-75M, CD-67A, CDK-67A.

Airborne equipment of short-range navigation and landing, the determination of the interactive coordinates and information exchange RSBN-85,RSBN-85V, RSBN -2000-OVK.

Airborne navigation-landing equipment VIM-95, VOR-02, ILS-02, MLS-85.

The differential date transmission equipment APDD.

Airborne transponders СО-94, СО-96.

Airborne address transponder ОСА-100.

Aviation low profile active antenna GPS-GLONASS АС-01.

Analog UHF GaAr microcircuits and hybrid monolithic modules on their base.

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Vladimir I. Baburov
Jurius.H. Volchok
Victor.S. Stepansky
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Navigation and landing equipment

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