:.. / Branch office of ARSRIRE-Navigator

Brief history

The branch office of the Federal government unitary enterprise ARSRIRE ARSRIRE-Navigator was established in 1993 on the base of All Union Scientific-Research Institute of Radio Equipment, which is the leading enterprise in Russian Federation on creation airborne equipment of navigation - landing systems and air traffic control for aviation of all Russia departments.

ARSRIRE and its branch office ARSRIRE-Navigator is possessed the unique base production with microelectronics complex. The radio electronic equipment (REE) was created namely on this base, providing the landing of pilot less orbital ship, microelectronics equipment of navigation and landing for air traffic control (ATC), the determination of interactive coordinates and aircraft ground collision avoidance systems and also a wide nomenclature of special elemental base - analog UHF GaAr microcircuits.

The developed equipment is tested on the own field well equipped in Leningrad area. The great scientific-technical base, the rich experience and also corporate culture by ARSRIRE-Navigator were allowed to create the new generation of navigation landing equipment and flight management systems in compliance with the all international standards.
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