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`Modernisation of airborne systems` (М.А.К)

Complex simulators of crews: tanks Т-55, Т-62, Т-72, Т-90, Т-80, armored vehicles BMD-1, BMP-2, BMP-3,


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Complex simulators of crews

For training tank crews of Т-55, Т-62, Т-72, Т-90, Т-80, armored vehicles BMD-1, BMP-2, BMP-3

Simulators are manufactured in the following versions:§ Class-room.
Mobile (code `М`: МKT-155, МKT-162,MKT-172, MKT -188, MKT-219, MKT-915, MKT-675, MKT-688, MKTV-24, MKTV-8, MKTS-27).
Simulators standard composition: 1 instructor`s workplace and 1-3 crew members workplaces (for mobile version: 1 instructor`s workplace and 1 crewmember`s workplace). Performance and composition versions may be negotiated separately. Class versions of simulators may be manufactured from two independent simulator systems shooting simulators of gun-layers (operators): tanks Т-55, Т-62, Т-72, Т-90, Т-80, armored vehicles BMD-1, BMP-2, BMP-3 and simulators of driving of mechanics-drivers of tanks Т-55, Т-62, Т-72, Т-90, Т-80, armored vehicles BMD-1, BMP-2, BMP-3 and vehicles on their basis.
Shooting simulators are manufactured in the following versions:
Table (code `Н`: ТСН-155,ТСН-162,ТСН -172, ТСН-188, ТСН-219, ТСН-915, ТСН-675, ТСН-688).
Driving simulators are manufactured in the following versions: Class;
Static (code `С`:ТВС-155, ТВС-162, ТВС-172, ТВС-188, ТВС-219, ТВС-915, ТВС-675, ТВС-688).
Complex simulators of crews of tanks T-55, Т-62, Т-72, Т-90, Т-80, armored vehicles BMD-1, BMP-2, BMP-3, are designated for conducting crew coordination, forming crew members` stable skills in joint actions, maintaining required level of skills in every-day activities, and also training crews and units for solving concrete combat tasks. Simulator consists of instructor`s workplace and one (or several) combat vehicle crew members` workplaces: commander, gun-layer (gun-layer-operator) and mechanic-driver. Table version of performance requires that workplaces of commander and gun-layer (operator) are set on a usual table. In this performance simulator has minimal composition, that, on the one hand makes it cheap, and on the other hand - reduces range of training tasks. In static version of performance workplaces of mechanic-driver, imitating state vehicle guidance departments , are set immovably. In this case simulator has minimal composition and is used for mass initial training of specialists. In class version of performance workplaces of trainees are placed on dynamic platforms. This composition provides necessary level of adequateness with armored vehicle not only on ergonomics of workplaces, but also on imitation of trembling, careens and vibration felt by trainees during exploiting real combat vehicle that provides training of the majority of tasks of training specialists. This composition is basic for combining several simulators in single network for training units. Mobile version of performance is different from class in the following: workplaces of instructor and trainees are situated in standard 20-feet container. Mobile version of aviasimulators can have both dynamic and static workplaces of trainees. Mobile version of simulator allows to conduct trainig of specialists off the points of permanent disposition - on maneuvers, in districts of combat designation, during transportation, etc.
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