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Exposition in Complex MVDV Международные выставки

`Modernisation of airborne systems` (М.А.К)

Complex simulators for Мi-24 and Мi-8 helicopter, Su-27 aircraft.


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Aircraft crew complex simulators.

Мi-24, Мi-8 helicopter and Su-27 aircraft crew training.

Mobile (code `М`: МКТВ-24, МКТВ-8).
Simulator standard composition: 1 instructor workplace and 1-3 crew workplaces (for mobile version: 1 instructor workplace and 1 crew workplace).
Performance and composition versions can be discussed separately.
Мi-24, Мi-8 and aircraft Su-27 crew complex simulators are designed in order to conduct crew coordination, form confident skills of crew members in joint actions, maintain required training level in day-to-day actions and also training of crews and units for solving concrete military tasks of specialists:§ Performing operations of preparing workplaces for functioning (workplaces condition control, search and removal of faultinesses, engine starting and its condition control, including fire management systems in different procedures of work, conducting of internal and external radio link);§ Crew members individual activity (take-off and climb, maneuvering and landing, fulfillment of flight task in different relief conditions, time of the year and day with regard to dynamics and aerodynamics , search and finding targets, target direction, choice of weapons and directing it at targets, weapons shooting, launch of UR and NUR, watching the results of shooting and its correcting). § Joint combat activity of a crew (combat coordination - performing of a concrete training and combat task in the conditions of enemy resistance); Simulator consists of instructor`s workplace and one (or several) workplaces of helicopter or aircraft crew members. Class version requires trainees` workplaces be put on dynamic platforms. This integration allows the simulator to have necessary level of adequateness with combat vehicle not only on ergonomics of workplaces, but on trembling imitation, bank and vibration felt by trainees during exploiting of a real combat vehicle, that provides working-off of the majority of training specialists tasks. This integration is basic for integrating of several simulators into one network for training units. Mobile version is different from class, that instructor`s and trainees` workplaces are situated in standard 20 feet container. Mobile version of avia simulators has static workplaces of trainees. Mobile version of simulator allows to conduct training of specialists off the points of constant dislocation - on maneuvers, in regions of combat designation, during transportation, etc.
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