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`Modernisation of airborne systems` (М.А.К)

`Modernisation of airborne systems` (М.А.К)
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Company name: Limited liability company `Modernisation of airborne systems`.
Brief name company: `Modernisation of airborne systems` (М.А.К), LLC
Country: Russian Federation
Head of the company: Vladimir V.Kovalenok
Contact information: (095) 933-13-36, 933-13-39,
Address of the main office: Russian Federation, 115114 Moscow, Kozhevnichevskaya Street 14, Building 2
Post address of the main office: 115114, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Moscow, Kozhevnichevskaya Street 14, Building 2

Basic directions of activity

Development, manufacture and sales of training facilities: training class-rooms, simulators, training programs.

List of names of basic let out production

Gun-layer (operator) shooting simulators: Т-55, Т-62, Т-72, Т-90, Т-80 tanks, combat vehicles BMD-1, BMP-2, BMP-3, Antitank guided launcher `Fagot` (`Concurs`), PZRK `Igla`.Т-55, Т-62, Т-72, Т-90, Т-80 tank driver driving simulators, BMD-1, BMP-2, BMP-3 combat vehicles driving simulators and driving simulators of combat vehicles on their basis. Crew complex simulators for: Т-55, Т-62, Т-72, Т-90, Т-80 tanks, BMD-1, BMP-2, BMP-3 combat vehicles, Мi-24 and Мi-8 helicopters, Su-27 aircraft.Armament and shooting training class-rooms (logistics) for Т-55, Т-62, Т-72, Т-90, Т-80 tanks, BMD-1, BMP-2, BMP-3 combat vehicles.Didactic systems of various complexity level.

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