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Spetz-Radio RPE CJSC

Spetz-Radio RPE CJSC

MAKS 2009 - International Aviation & Space Salon
A Step Ahead of Competitors!

The Digital Radioreception Device For Means Of The Radiocontrol

The Digital Radioreception Device The digital radioreception device provides the decision of the following problems:
- Detection of new sources of a radio emission in the set sites of a range of frequencies;
- The control over work of the found out sources of the radio emission put on supervision;
- Demodulation and registration оцифрованных signals;
- The visual and acoustical control of signals;
- Measurement of characteristics of signals;
- Classification of signals by kinds and classes of radiations;
- Work in structure of a radiodirection finder.

The basic characteristics of the digital radioreception device:
the Range of working frequencies, GHz … …… … … … … …... … .0,02 … 2,6
Strip of panoramic reception, MHz … … … … … … … … … …... 10 … 100
Quantity(Amount) of channels пеленгования … … … … … … …. … .3
Real sensitivity, мкВ/м … … … … … .10 … 50
Dynamic range, дБ … … … …… … … … … ….... 70
Speed of the review (with measurement of parameters of modulation), ГГц/с …... 10
Accuracy of measurement of bearing frequency, кГц … … … … … … .до 10
Accuracy , a hailstones (together with the complete set) …….. ….. 3 … 5
Classes of accepted radiations: … …… … .1AAN, A1BBN, A3EJN, F1BCN,
Error of measurement of a level of a signal, дБ … … …... … … …… ….. ±3;
Error of measurement of frequency of an entrance signal, Hz …… no more than 100;
Power consumption, Вт … … … … … … … … …... no more than 50;
Range of working temperatures, оС … … … … … … … from 0 up to 50
Dimensions, mm … … … … … … … .382х490х448

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