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Spetz-Radio RPE CJSC

Spetz-Radio RPE CJSC

MAKS 2009 - International Aviation & Space Salon
A Step Ahead of Competitors!

System Of Radio Engineering Investigation 85В6-A "Vega"

Radiosystem Vega

System " Vega " is intended for detection, definition of spatial coordinates, classification and supports of air, ground and sea objects on radiations their onboard РЭС.

In a standard configuration the system will consist of three stations of RTR " Orion " and mobile item of management (PU). Stations " Orion " settle down on district on distance up to 30 km from each other, and PU - on removal from them up to 20 km and, as a rule, in immediate proximity from the consumer of the prospecting information. Equipment PU is placed on one vehicle (with the trailer). Fighting calculation - 2 persons. Power supplies are similar to station " Orion ".
The information from stations of RTR " Orion " about results of measurement of angular coordinates of sources of radio signals and their parameters under data links acts on ПУ where the triangulable method defines coordinates and parameters of movement of their carriers which are displayed on an electronic card of controllable area. False lines are excluded from processing by program methods by a parametrical identification objects.
System " Vega" can be applied to increase of efficiency of fighting application of groupings of air defence in conditions of intensive radio-electronic counteraction, and also in parts РЭБ, including for an estimation of radio-electronic conditions in preset areas.

  Design, programming, hosting, support - SOVA.RU.