Cистема редактирования
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Spetz-Radio RPE CJSC

Spetz-Radio RPE CJSC

Spetz-Radio RPE CJSC

MAKS 2009 - International Aviation & Space Salon
A Step Ahead of Competitors!

Today the Spetz-Radio RPE CJSC specialiazes in the development & production of direction finders (radiomonitoring and ELINT stations, ELINT systems & ELINT posts on their base). The company pays special attention to creating research & technical potential for designing of future multisensor passive location systems.

The list of names of basic let out production

1. The automated station of detection "Orion".
2. Triangulable system of radio engineering investigation "Вега".
3. The automated station of the radio engineering control "Hunting - РТ1" and its updatings.
4. The analyzer of pulse signals компрессионного such as "Analyzer".
5. The digital radioreception device for means of radiocontrol (ЦРПУ).

Persons About

Igor V. Peretyagin

General Director
The company questionnaire