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The onboard indicator ORION

The multipurpose indicator

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The onboard indicator ORION, The multipurpose indicator

The onboard indicator ORION

Multipurpose indicator "Orion" is the navigating device and is intended for performance of functions of display onboard an air vessel of surrounding air conditions on data АЗН, realization of navigation on a route, preventions of disputed situations with other air courts and preventions of collision with the ground. The onboard indicator is developed by firm "НМТА" in conformity the program of introduction АЗН-? in Russia together with ГосНИМ the EXPERT.
Onboard indicator AZN-V combines in itself both navigating functions, and the additional opportunities given by system AZN. The onboard indicator is established on the air vessel equipped or the GNSS-receiver, allows to display site ВС and an arrangement of others ВС on a background of the cartographical information.

The basic functions of the multipurpose indicator:

Display of position of a board concerning district with indication of a true rate, heights and speeds
Display of position of boards, the information on which coordinates acts from
Storage, updating and editing of the aeronavigation information: navigating points and routes of flight
Input of a route of flight with an opportunity of operative change
Display of a route and indication of parameters of movement of an air vessel on a route
Calculation an estimated time of passage of points of a route
Support of the raster and vector cartographical information
Operative choice of scale and structure of displayed cards
Display of a digital lay of land
Illumination of dangerous heights of a lay of land
Calculation of safe heights of a lay of land concerning the true or set height of an air vessel
Indication of dangerous rapproachements with other air courts
Realization of forecasting of movement of air courts on the basis of the information on the intentions transmitted on channels AZN-V
Calculation of potential disputed situations on the basis of forecasting movement of air courts
Updating of the stored cartographical, navigating, routing information and the software.

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