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Company name: Limited liability company NITA
Brief name company: NITA, LLC
Country: Russian Federation
Head of the company: Pyatko Sergey Grigorievich
Contact information: ((812)) 704-18-72, 704-18-13, , www.nita.ru
Post address of the main office: 196210, Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg, 15 A, ul. Vzletnaya

Basic directions of activity

Firm "NITA" based in 1990, is one of the most known Russian enterprises specializing on development and a batch production of the aviation equipment and the software.
Firm "NITA" carries out a full complex of works on development, manufacture, delivery, commissioning, repair and support of let out production.
The automated systems of the Department of Internal Affairs and system of display for air field,
The aerocentral and route centers
Systems of processing and transfer radar-tracking, speech
And the managing information
Systems of planning of air movement for bodies of the Department of Internal Affairs, the airports
And airlines
Systems of digital record of the speech information and the data
Equipment АЗН and systems of monitoring
Complex simulators for dispatchers of the Department of Internal Affairs and items of management of flights
Aviation simulators
Systems of training and the control of knowledge of the personnel
Systems of language preparation of the aviation personnel
Systems an exact times
Dispatching boards and the organization of workplaces
Items of management, including mobile
The equipment for the airports and airlines
Means of protection of the information

Basic production:
b> The equipment for АЗН:
Base station "Pulsar - ?"
Onboard indicator "Orion"
Транспондер "Pulsar"
System of monitoring of transport "Аriadna"
The equipment of the Department of Internal Affairs
Rregional automated system "ALPHA"
Tape recorder "Granite"
System of switching of speech communication "Megaphone"
Complex of means of automation of management of air movement "Alpha"
Aviation simulators
System of language preparation of the aviation personnel-

Structure of the company:
In structure of firm there are 9 laboratories on development of the software, 3 laboratories of microprocessor systems, a department of radio engineering systems, a department of quality assurance, a department of operation, workshops, the educational center, a publishing department, warehouse and others. In firm work more than 140 employees.

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For electronic communication take advantage of a key "To send inquiry in the company" which is located in the beginning of page.

More detailed information on characteristics, the prices and conditions of purchase of let out production can be received HERE

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