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Aviation flight simulators

Modern aviation simulators (АТ)

Aviation flight simulators

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Aviation flight simulators

Aviation flight simulators

Open Company " Firm " NITA " intensively conducts works in the field of development of the basic systems of modern aviation simulators (АТ), widely using new information technologies. Systems developed by firm and their components are delivered and used both for modernization of park "old" АТ, and at creation of new simulators.
For ten years of Open Company " Firm " NITA " has lead works on modernization more than on 15-ти simulators in Russia and abroad:

The simulator of space (visual conditions)
" Firm " НИТА " carries out deliveries of all three basic systems of IWO:
Databases of computer breadboard models of areas of the airports;
The computer generator of the 3-dimensional image of areas of the airports;
Systems of display of visual conditions in a cabin of pilots.

The simulator of navigating conditions "navigation"
The system of imitation of navigating conditions and equipment "Navigation" is intended for reproduction on existing complex simulators of air courts of real navigating conditions on air lines and at the airports for carrying out of training of crews ВС under programs LOFT (Line Oriented Flight Training). Application of system INO " Navigation " allows to approach maximum work of simulators of onboard navigating systems to real and it is essential to raise quality of training preparation structure.

Structure INO " Navigation " includes the following components:
Base of the navigating data and means of its updating and updating;
System of development of navigating parameters;
System of imitation of the onboard equipment;

A workplace of the instructor
The instructor from the workplace has an opportunity:
To set all complex of entry conditions of training;
To supervise a course of training;
To supervise work of the navigating and coherent equipment;
To conduct a radioexchange with crew as the dispatcher of the Department of Internal Affairs;
To change(storm activity and so forth) on a line;
To define during flight of procedure of rise and landing;
To set refusals of onboard systems and units VS.
To keep the information on results of flight for his further analysis.
Upon termination of training the kept information can be used for analysis of actions of crew with use of all means accessible to the instructor during flight. Besides the information can be kept in archive on a magnetic disk for the subsequent analysis.

For the order of Aviation simulators take advantage of the essential elements of the company submitted in section " the Contact information " in the beginning of page.
For electronic communication take advantage of a key " To send inquiry in the company " which is located in the beginning of page.

More detailed information on characteristics, the prices and conditions of purchase of let out production can be received HERE

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