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Международный Авиационно-Космический Салон

16-21 августа 2005 года, ЛИИ им. М.М.Громова, Жуковский
Leningrad Northern Factory Switch to Russian  

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Leningrad Northern Factory

About Company

The state enterprise " Leningrad Northern Factory "SE ""LNF".
It is considered on October 4, 1878 as date of the basis of the factory, which after association of several factories became basic in an airindustry in St.Petersburg.

The first domestic planes constructed in industrial conditions and issued in February, 1910 was biplane "Russia-A". From that time for 50 years at the factory there were built and repaired more than 70 types of planes, including the first of global heavy aircraft " Ilya Muromets " of Sikorsky, flying boat М-5 of Grigorovitch, long-liver light motor aviation PO-2 of Polikarpov and helicopter IAK-24 of Iakovlev.

During 40 years there was a serial manufacturing of air defence missiles 13D and 20D for the air defence systems S- 75, the missiles 5V21, 5V28 and 5V28М for the system S - 200 and missiles 5V55 and 48N6 for the system S - 300. Long time the export delivery of products of the systems S - 200 and S - 300 in eleven countries of the world was carried out.

At the factory serial manufacture plane beam holders, bomb locks, "air- to- surface" missile 5Х29 and large nomenclature of the consumer goods was mastered.

197348, St.-Petersburg, Kolomedjsky highway , 10 
Ph.: (812) 246-1965 Fax: (812) 246-8334


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About company

 - Main page

 - News, press-releases

The catalogue of firms

 - 2566 Raduoelectronic Weaponry Repair Plant

 - Leningrad Northern Factory

 - Interstate Financial and Industrial Group "Defense systems"

 - Pirometr, JSC

 - Chelyabinsk Radio Plant 'Polyot'

Products and Services

 - Data collection equipment complex

 - Modernised P-18 radar

 1997 - 2001 ® www.SOVA.Ru tel. (095) 211-24-20 fax. (095) 211-56-47