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MAKS 2005

International Aviation & Space Salon

August 16-21, 2005, FRI named after M.M.Gromov, Zhukovsky, Russia
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last updated: 09/05/99

Sundstrand Aerospace

4747 Harrison Avenue, Rockford, IL 61125-USA
Tel.: (1-815) 226-6140
Fax: (1-815) 394-5609

An international market leader in aerospace system design and integration for defense, air transport, regional and business aircraft worldwide, Sundstrand Aerospace specializes in the manufacture of technology based systems and components (or electrical power generation, auxiliary power generation, emergency power generation, fluid pumping, actuation and environmental controls. Systems and components are designed, manufactured, marketed and maintained through a worldwide network of facilities, joint ventures and customer teams headquartered in Rockford, Illinois, USA.

  copyright VCB company 1999  |    tel.: (095) 211 2420; fax: (095) 211 5647