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MAKS 2005

International Aviation & Space Salon

August 16-21, 2005, FRI named after M.M.Gromov, Zhukovsky, Russia
Home page      Internet-exhibition      For Exhibitors     For Visitors     For Press     Aviasalon PLC
last updated: 09/05/99


Moscow representation:
Bolshaya Dmitrovka str.-301, Bid.15, Moscow 103821, Russia
Tel.: (7-095) 292-8993
fax: (7-095) 292-8993

Novecopter SVL, Ltd. - the exclusive distributor for SCHWEIZER AIRCRAFT, USA, in CIS and Eastern Europe (light 2-4 place helicopters), the representative of SPECTROLAB, Inc, USA, in Russia (high intensity airborne and ground searchlights), the representative of FSI, Inc., USA (Airborne Thermal Images).

  copyright VCB company 1999  |    tel.: (095) 211 2420; fax: (095) 211 5647