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MAKS 2005

International Aviation & Space Salon

August 16-21, 2005, FRI named after M.M.Gromov, Zhukovsky, Russia
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last updated: 09/05/99

Zvezda, Development and Production Enterprise

39 Gogol str., Tomilino, Moscow region, 140070 Russia
Tel.: (7-095) 557-3391
Fax: (7-095) 557-3388

Crew emergency escape and survival systems for all types of aircraft and spacecraf: ejection seats and shock-absorbing seats, protective gear and oxygen equipment, space suits and manned maneuvering units, means to prevent the adverse effects of weightlessness, emergency escape slides, life rafts, life jackets, aircraft fire detectors and fire extinguisher, in-flight refuelling systems, emergency/rescue and medical equipment.

  copyright VCB company 1999  |    tel.: (095) 211 2420; fax: (095) 211 5647