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MAKS 2005

International Aviation & Space Salon

August 16-21, 2005, FRI named after M.M.Gromov, Zhukovsky, Russia
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last updated: 09/05/99

Urals Optical-IVIechanical Plant, Production Association / UOMZ

Vostochnaya Str., 33-B, Yekaterinburg, 620100, Russia
Tel.: (7-3432) 241803
Fax: (7-3432) 241680
Telex: 721764 HVOIA SU

PA UOMZ is the leading Russian enterprise in development and manufacturing of the optical-electronic sight systems. The systems are used in MiG-29, Su-27, Su-30 and their modifications. PA UOMZ offers the gang of gyrostabilized optical -electronic systems for placing new generation search systems with high resolution power. At the exhibition we display a functioning sample of the gyrostabilized thermo imaging system with additional videochannel. PA UOMZ is also the leading enterprise of the former Russia in development and manufacturing the surveying instruments.

  copyright VCB company 1999  |    tel.: (095) 211 2420; fax: (095) 211 5647