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MAKS 2005

International Aviation & Space Salon

August 16-21, 2005, FRI named after M.M.Gromov, Zhukovsky, Russia
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last updated: 09/05/99

TsAGI Today

The Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI) was founded on December 1, 1918 on the initiative and under the leadership of N.E. Zhukovsky, the father of the Russian Aviation. Today's TsAGI is the largest scientific research center in the world. Under the Russian Federation Government Decree No. 247 of March 29, 1994 TsAGI was confered a status of the State Research Center.

It was for the first time that a scientific institution combined the basic studies, the applied research, the structural design, the pilot production, and testing.

TsAGI developed new aerodynamic configurations, aircraft stability/controllability criteria, strength requirements, the theory of flutter, and many other basic and applied options in both theory and experimental studies.

During the last two decades TsAGI has reached significant advances in Aerodynamics, Flight dynamics and Flight control systems as well as statical material strength, service life and reliability of civil aeroplanes. Our methods for structural analyses and optimization make it possible to reliably design the new-generation aircraft so as to ensure a 50,000 to 60,000 hour service life. These results were used while developing Tu-204 (by General Designer A.A. Tupolev) and Il-96-300 (by General Designer G. V. Novozhilov).

In 1980s the TsAGI's scientists worked on improving agility of up-to-date fighters. Solutions have been obtained for many problems on control of airplanes under flow separation condi- tions at high incidence. This is evidenced by fair agility of MiG-29 (by General Designer P.A. Belyakov) and Su-27,Su-37 (by General Designer M.P. Simonov) and has been shown by performing the "Cobra of Pugachyov" maneuver.

When preparing "Energia" launcher and "Buran" reusable aerospaceplane, TsAGI has made considerable investigation into aero/gasdynamics, flight dynamics and structural strength for velocities ranging from the orbital ones to the landing ones. There were challenges of hypersonic flight physics, control systems for the wide range of velocities, mathematical model- ling of numerous processes, and a study of motion on flight simulators.

Phone: (7 095) 556-4021; 556-3261
Fax: (7 095) 911-0019; 556-4337
E-Mail: [email protected]
Address: TsAGI, 1 Zhukovsky st.,
Zhukovsky, Moscow reg.,
140160, Russia






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