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MAKS 2005

International Aviation & Space Salon

August 16-21, 2005, FRI named after M.M.Gromov, Zhukovsky, Russia
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last updated: 09/05/99

Balashikha Casting-Mechanical Plant, JSC

4 Entuziastov Shosse, Balashikha, 143900 Moscow Region, Russia
Tel.: (7-095) 521-7883
Fax: (7-095) 521-7628
E-mail: [email protected]

JSC Balashikha Casting-Mechanical Plant (BLMZ) is a Russia's leading producer of profile casting from titanium, magnesium and aluminum alloys providing for high-strength, high-precision and corrosion-resistant products. The plant manufacturers aircraft wheels, brakes and LG control units for all types of domestic aircraft, providing all range of services on the market including manufacturing and repairing. Currently our products are extensively used in the aerospace, automobile, oil processing, chemical and shipbuilding industry as well as medicine and sport.

  copyright VCB company 1999  |    tel.: (095) 211 2420; fax: (095) 211 5647