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Send request to the company
Company name: Voronezh Aircraft Joint-Stock Company VASO
Brief name company: VASO, JSC
Country: Russian Federation
Contact information: (0732) 49-93-97, 44-86-66, 49-90-17, 49-93-97, , www.orc.ru/~vaso
Address of the main office: Russian Federation, 394029 Voronezh, ul.Tsiolkovskogo, 27
Post address of the main office: 394029, Russian Federation, Voronezh region, Voronezh, ul.Tsiolkovskogo, 27

Basic directions of activity

-manufacturing of aerotechnics, agricultural facilities, shipping facilities, consumer goods
-aviation passenger and cargo traffic
-forging, stamping and mechanical works of all degrees of difficulties of different materials
-thermal, electro-chemical and chemical-thermal works
-manufacturing of ordered equipement, stamps, moulds
-drying and melting furnace lining
-plating bath lining.

List of names of basic let out production

-wide-body long-haul passenger airliner IL-96-300
-cargo aircraft IL 96-400T

List of names other let out production

- cabine boat `Maxim`
- cabine boat `Delphin`
- pleasure boat `Argonavt`
- outboard runabout `Voronezh-M`
- outboard runabout `Case`
- outboard runabout `Voronezh-mini-3`
- mounted drill S-12A
- carriage interior
- vibropumps `Poliv` and `Udalets`
- mufflers for the cars `VAZ`

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Shushpanov Michail Nikolaevich
Anohin Alexandr Ivanovich

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