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Russian Aviation Company

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Company name: Russian Aviation Company Limited
Brief name company: Russian Aviation Company Limited
Country: Russian Federation
Available licenses: Licenses, issued by the Federal Agency on Industry of the Russian Federation on February 02 of 2005 for: - the manufacture and repair/overhaul of aviation equipment, including aviation equipment of dual application (Nos. 001115-001116); - the manufacture and repair/overhaul of armament and military equipment (Nos.001113-001114).
Head of the company: Baranov Sergey N.
Contact information: (+7 (095)) 254-80-25, факс 254-80-25, , www.rusavia.com
Post address of the main office: 123242, Russian Federation, Moscow, 8/5 A, Barrikadnaya Str.

Basic directions of activity

The main fields of activities are: manufacturing and exports of spare parts for various types of Russian made aircraft, overhaul of helicopters, transport and aggregates. With it"s own testing and production facilities Rusavia is engaged in research and development on aviation acoustics and aircraft instruments.

Rusavia is engaged in the restoration and reconstruction of the aircrafts of the early period of aviation development.

Rusavia Publishing House. It’s main task is cooperation with leading aviation historians in order to write books on documentary base, with the latest information on Russian and foreign aeronautical engineering.

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Baranov Sergey N.
   Main activity
Aviation publishing house
Restore aircraft
Manufacture and repair/overhaul of aviation equipment
Supplying aviation equipment
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