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SE of MOD of Ukraine ”LSARP”

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Kupch Vyacheslav Andreevich


Lviv State Aircraft Repair Plant ”LSARP” is the leading enterprise specialised in repairing of the aviation hardware of military purpose. The specialisation of the Plant - light front fighters, fighter - bombers of ”MiG” type. The Plant carries out in a full volume the high-quality repair of the aircraft MiG -21, MiG -23, MiG -27 and MiG -29 with repair -period and service life renewal.
”LSARP” offers the following services on the mutually beneficial conditions for the Customer:
- repairs of the aircraft MiG - 21, MiG - 23, MiG - 27 and MiG - 29, its aggregates and equipment, including the works on renovation of overhaul service life and life time
- training of the Customers specialists in the technological processes of aviation equipment repairs
- development and delivery of designing documents for the mastering of the repairs of aggregates and airframe systems
- consulting in the repairs of aviation technigues using the Plants production base
- producing and delivering of the non - standard technological equipment developed for aviation technigues
repairs by Plants specialists
- assistance in adjusting the technological eguipment ( produced in the former USSR ) in accordance with Customer technical reguirements
- renting of the required technological equipment for Customers aviation hardware repairs
- services in designing and developing of maintenance site of ” MiG ” type aircraft engineering.

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