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SE of MOD of Ukraine ”LSARP”

MAKS 2005 - International Aviation & Space Salon
Contact information Send request to the exhibition
Brief name company: SE of MOD of Ukraine ”LSARP”
Country: Ukraine
Head of the company: Kupch Vyacheslav Andreevich
Contact information: (38 032) 62- 52- 01, 97- 61- 58, , www.lsarp.com.ua
Post address of the main office: 79040, Ukraine, Lviv, 3, Aviationay St

Basic directions of activity

Lviv State Aircraft Repair Plant ”LSARP” is the leading enterprise specialised in repairing of the aviation hardware of military purpose. The specialisation of the Plant - light front fighters, fighter - bombers of ”MiG” type. The Plant carries out in a full volume the high-quality repair of the aircraft MiG -21, MiG -23, MiG -27 and MiG -29 with repair -period and service life renewal.
”LSARP” offers the following services on the mutually beneficial conditions for the Customer:
- repairs of the aircraft MiG - 21, MiG - 23, MiG - 27 and MiG - 29, its aggregates and equipment, including the works on renovation of overhaul service life and life time
- training of the Customers specialists in the technological processes of aviation equipment repairs
- development and delivery of designing documents for the mastering of the repairs of aggregates and airframe systems
- consulting in the repairs of aviation technigues using the Plants production base
- producing and delivering of the non - standard technological equipment developed for aviation technigues
repairs by Plants specialists
- assistance in adjusting the technological eguipment ( produced in the former USSR ) in accordance with Customer technical reguirements
- renting of the required technological equipment for Customers aviation hardware repairs
- services in designing and developing of maintenance site of ” MiG ” type aircraft engineering.

List of names of basic let out production

- the repair and modernization of the aircraft MiG- 21; MiG- 23; MiG- 27; MiG- 29;
- the aggregates and airframe systems repair;
- the repair of applied control checking service equipment with further certification;
- the design and producing of the technological equipment for aviation technic repair;
- the up- dating of aviation technic;
- the training of the technicians in the technological processes of aviation equipment the repair;
- the foreign economic activity in the consulting services for the aircraft repair, the aggregates and airframe systems repair.

List of names other let out production

Universal panel for automatic check-out of the air engineТs starting systems and modes control on an aircraft - designated for automatic check-out of the air engineТs starting systems and modesТ control on aircraft as well as for check-out of the parameters of electronic automatics of the engine’s start-up and control.
Universal panel for automatic check-out of the onboard electrical cables - designated for control and faults tracing in electrical cables of complex systems
Upgraded mobile complex MK-9.12 M - made on the basis of serial complex MK-9.12 with replacement of the out-of-date computer by IBM compatible computer. The new software was developed allowing easily to amend the testing programs and widen the capabilities of mobile complex. It is designated for the automatic check-out of the equipment after installation on an aircraft. The upgraded equipment was certified and allowed to use at repair of the MiG-29 aircraft of Ukraine Air Force.
- manufacturing of comfortable universal portable small houses of container type;
- repair of various types bus bodies;
- manufacturing of windows from PVC.

   About company
Kupch Vyacheslav Andreevich
   Exhibitor of

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