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Piotr V Balabuyev

General Designer

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Piotr V Balabuyev

Piotr Vasilyevich Balabuyev was born in Valuysk farmstead, Lugansk region. On April 15, 1954 he began working at ANTONOV ASTC as a design engineer on graduating from Kharkov Aviation Institute. In 1956 he was appointed a head of the workshop. In 1959 P.V.
Balabuyev became a head of the assembly shop. In 1960 he became a leading designer, acting head of production. In 1961: a Deputy Chief Designer, Director of ANTONOV ASTC representative office at the aircraft manufacturing plant in Tashkent. In 1965: the Director of the Design Bureau development plant. In 1968: a Deputy Chief Designer. In 1971: a Chief Designer, the First Deputy General Designer. In 1984: the General Designer.

General Designer P.V. Balabuyev is a leader of standing reputation in the home aircraft industry; AN-aircraft, namely: AN-22 `Antey`, AN-72, AN-74, AN-32, AN-28, AN-124 `Ruslan`, the world`s largest aircraft AN-225 `Mriya` and many their versions built with his participation and under his leadership, are known round the world. Working under complex conditions of transition processes in the economy, ANTONOV ASTC staff, under the leadership of P.V. Balabuyev, has developed the AN-140 passenger aircraft, AN-38 multipurpose aircraft, AN-148 passenger jet and AN-70 medium widebody military airlift aircraft of the 21st century that involved a huge amount of scientific researches and inventions in various spheres: aerodynamics, strength, materials science, economics, electronics, control systems, etc. Just at present the best streaks of the General Designer have been demonstrated: anticipation of problems, perfect abilities for organization, exactingness towards himself and colleagues in execution of decisions taken.
In order to develop present-day aircraft, P.V. Balabuyev does his best to promote and improve the system of training of scientific personnel, specialists and workers for aviation industry of Ukraine which includes scientific institutes, institutions of higher education, technical secondary schools, as well as the certificated training center at ANTONOV ASTC.
P.V. Balabuyev takes part in scientific research activity. He is an author of more than 100 scientific papers including 20 researches. He has elaborated scientific principles of designing supercritical airfoils and their implementation in the structure of heavy transport aircraft.
Proceeding from requirements and long-term plans of international cooperation, General Designer P.V. Balabuyev pursues active policy of technical re-equipment of the company, introduces the latest advanced technologies for designing, production, testing and maintenance of AN-aircraft.
P.V. Balabuyev takes an active part in the cooperation with aviation industrial enterprises of the world. He is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Russian-Ukrainian Consortium `Medium Transport Aircraft`, a member of the Board of the Interstate Aviation Committee of Ukraine, a member of the Board of Directors of the Holding Company `Leninets` (St. Petersburg), Joint Stock Company `Volga-Dnepr` (Ulyanovsk). Designer`s supervision and follow-on inspection of safe operation of the following aircraft in the Air Force and Civil Aviation of Russia is carried out under the leadership of P.V. Balabuyev: AN-124, AN-124-100, AN-22, AN-12, AN-24, AN-26, AN-32, AN-30, AN-28, AN-2, AN-38, AN-3, AN-140.

Today ANTONOV ASTC headed by Piotr Vasilyevich Balabuyev is engaged in development and manufacturing of new prototype aircraft, as well as versions of the aircraft developed earlier, ensures their in-service support, performs engineering work on extension of service life of the aircraft being in operation, conducts training and re-training of flying and maintenance personnel, effects international charter transportation of cargo including oversized cargo, sends highly qualified specialists to render assistance in mastering the aircraft and to train foreign specialists, participates in international cooperation in aircraft design and production, develops surface transport facilities.

Order of the Red Banner of Labour:- 1966
Hero of Socialist Labour with the Order of Lenin
and Gold Medal `Hammer and Sickle` invested:- 1975
Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR:- 1973
Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine:- 1979
Honoured Scientist and Technologist of Ukraine:- 1991
Order for Public Service, 3rd, 2nd and 1st Class:- 1992-1996
Order of Friendship of the Russian Federation:- 1998
Badge of Merit of the President of Ukraine
`Hero of Ukraine` with the Order of the State invested:- 1999
Winner in the 4th International Contest
`Man of the Year of Transport`:- 1999
Order of the International Personnel Academy
for Development of Science and Education:- 2000
Peter the Great Award:-2001
Yaroslav the Wise Order, 5th Class:- 2001
ICAO 35th Edward Warner Award:- 2001

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