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National Institute of Aviation Technologies (NIAT)

MAKS 2005 - International Aviation & Space Salon
Contact information Send request to the exhibition
Company name: National Institute of Aviation Technologies
Brief name company: National Institute of Aviation Technologies (NIAT)
Country: Russian Federation
Head of the company: Oleg S. Sirotkin
Contact information: (095) 311-03-23, 311-03-23, , http:www.niat.ru
Post address of the main office: 127051, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Moscow, Petrovka, street, 24

Basic directions of activity

Product manufacturability development and adaptation, production preparation. Design and production of CNC machine tools and processing equipment. Development and production of control systems and mechatronic motion modules components. Industrial consulting. Development, implementation of manufacturing processes.
Manufacturing processes: electron beam, laser beam, hydro abrasive, ion plasma, composite components, precision casting, assembly, etc. Multifunctional high-velocity machine tools and processes. Engineering design, audit, feasibility study, norms, etc.

List of names of basic let out production

NIAT develops and supports about 1 200 manufacturing technologies out of 3 000 applied in mechanical engineering industry.
· Complex re-equipment of production facilities
· Development, implementation and support of manufacturing technologies:
· Machining of aluminium, titanium and steel alloys;
· Laser treatment - cutting, welding, hardening, build-up welding;
· Welding - electron-beam, laser, inert gas (argon) arc welding, friction and contact welding;
· Electron, ionic and flame deposition of coatings;
· Hydro-abrasive treatment;
· Aluminium, titanium and steel alloys casting (single-crystal, precision, burnt-pattern casting, etc);
· Blanks production, forming;
· Fast prototyping;
· Forming - bending, stretch-wrap forming, rolling, etc.;
· Isothermal and cold pressure forming;
· Superplasticity and diffusion welding technologies;
· Heat treatment;
· Hardening - thermal-mechanical, vibration, ionic hardening etc.;
· Composite materials technologies - winding, laying, RTM, etc.;
· Mechatronics and control systems
· Assembly and mounting;
· Measuring technologies;
· NDT technologies - radiographic, ultrasonic, etc.;
· Conversion projects
· Components of floating launching ramp (Sea Launch project);
· Production of pipes of polymer and composite materials, titanium pipes;
· Composite materials interiors and structures for buses, railway coaches, cars etc;
· Octane number measuring equipment;
· Construction industry equipment;
· Welding of pipes in field conditions
· Waste utilisation equipment
· Armoured materials and constructions production technologies (helmets, waistcoats, etc.);
· Special coatings glass plates production technologies
· Fuel, lubricating, hydraulic etc. systems descaling and flushing techniques.
· Production of milk industry equipment;
· Manufacturing design of structures, manufacturability enhancement, production preparation;
· Development and production of NC machine tools and other equipment for the whole range of said technologies (70 types), including multifunctional high-performance automated machining centers (delivered complete with relevant treatment / machining technologies). NIAT made 65% of CIS countries aviation industry machine tools and equipment;
· Engineering consulting and other services:
· Manufacturing engineering;
· Manufacturing audit;
· Feasibility reports preparation;
· Manufacturing plants re-structuring;
· Quality System audits;
· Qualification testing of composite materials structures;
· Normative documentation development;
· Airspace normative documentation database;
· Training of specialists;
· Research services;
· Customers` orders fulfillment with a use of available equipment
· Leasing of machine tools and equipment
· Introduction and support of import machine tools and equipment

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Oleg S. Sirotkin
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