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MAKS 2005 - International Aviation & Space Salon
Contact information Send request to the exhibition
Company name: State Research Center of the Russian Federation Central Institute of Aviation Motors named after P.I. Baranov
Brief name company: CIAM
Country: Russian Federation
Head of the company: Skibin Vladimir A.
Contact information: (095) 200-22-15, 267-13-54, , www.ciam.ru
Address of the main office: Russian Federation
Post address of the main office: 111116, Russian Federation, Moscow, Aviamotornaya st., 2

Basic directions of activity

The P. I. Baranov CIAM is a leading scientific center of the Russian aviation engine building industry. It possesses a unique test base for ground and altitude testing of aviation engines. CIAM is a head institute in the development of critical technologies and creation of a scientific and technical base for developing advanced engines for the new generation aircraft. The main lines if CIAM activities are:
- gas dynamics, combustion, heat exchange, strength;
- highly effective turbomachinery;
- critical technologies for the new generation engines;
- powerplants of unmanned flying vehicles;
- automatic control, monitoring and diagnostic systems;
- reliability and life of aviation engines;
- effectiveness and safe operation of aviation engines;
- ecological characteristics of aviation engines;
- high-energy fuels, high-temperature lubricants;
- methods and means for investigations of high-temperature, high-speed gas flows, dynamic phenomena in structures;
- highly effective GTU and their systems for power industry and gas pumping;
- nprediction of aviation engine development;
- scientific support of research and development work as well as serial production of aviation engines;
- acquisition, analysis, systematization of information on aviation engine building and dissemination of this information in the industry.

List of names of basic let out production

CIAM offers the following products and services:
- development of critical technologies and creation of scientific and technical base in order to provide improvement of production aviation engines and development of new ones;
- investigations aimed at significant improvement of ecological characteristics of aviation engines in terms of noise and emission levels, and their effect on environment;
- scientific and technical support of aviation engines at all stages of their life cycle;
- improvement of methodology for engine development and working out standard technical documentation;
- development of advanced methods and means of designing, testing, maintenance and repair of aviation engines;
- comprehensive investigations on improvement of aviation engines reliability, life and effectiveness of their service operation as well as provision of their safe operation using computer methods and means for analysis of diagnostic information;
- investigations and development of digital, failure-resistant, automatic control, monitoring, and diagnostic systems, introduction of multilevel control and check algorithms with elements of artificial intelligence and selforganization;
- development of test base for aviation engines and methods of experimental investigations, carrying out certification tests of aviation hardware specimens;
- investigations of engines and combined powerplants for hypersonic flying vehicles and aerospace systems;
- investigations of fuels for manned and unmanned flying vehicles equipped with air-breathing engines as well as high-temperature lubricants for engines of new generations.

List of names other let out production

- making prediction and determining main directions in development of aviation and aerospace engines taking account of achievements and directions in development of world aviation science and technology;
- expertise of projects on aviation engines and GTUs of different purposes;
- studying along with research institutes and design bureaus drafts of performance requirements coming from customers, and carrying out necessary refinements of these requirements according to results of studying;
- working out requirements to materials used in aviation and aerospace engines, investigation of their structural strength, creation of data bank on structural strength of materials;
- working out recommendations for integration of powerplant and airframe;
- experimental investigations of aviation engines in icing conditions;
- comprehensive strength tests of parts and components of engines for flying vehicles and gas turbine units, investigations of materials (including composite materials) under high temperatures, cyclic loadings, and in cryogenic environment;
- development of GTUs on aviation engine base for power industry;
- manufacturing models, parts, components and assemblies of engine prototypes, nonstandard equipment in pilot-production shops of CIAM;
- training and further training of highly skilled personnel by giving them a post-graduate course.

   About company
Skibin Vladimir A.
Chicherova Olga S.
   Main activity
   Exhibitor of
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