:.. / CIAM

Brief history

The P.I. Baranov Central institute of aviation motors (CIAM), established according to the decision of the USSR Revolutionary War Council in 1930, has become a unified research, design and development center for creation domestic engines. Here within its precincts were laid the foundations of the science of aviation engines the main points of which were verified experimentally and realized in the first engines developed and built in the institute in the 1930s. The perfect domestic engines developed with active participation of CIAM allowed the Russian aircraft to be superior to the enemy aircraft during the Great Patriotic War.

In the 1950s the sole in Russia and largest in Europe test complex - the scientific and test center of CIAM was built in order to provide the development of air-breathing engines. All the engines and their components developed in design bureaus were tested under speed-altitude flight conditions on the unique test facilities of this center.

The first in the world hydrogen fueled scramjet was developed in CIAM and tested in the 1990s.

The well-known in the world scientific schools in gasdynamics, combustion and strength were formed in CIAM during the time of its existence.

In 1994 according to the Act of the Russian Federation Government the P.I.Baranov CIAM was given the status of the state scientific center of the Russian Federation.

At present the P.I.Baranov CIAM is the only in Russia scientific and research organization that carries out complex scientific investigations and developments in the field of aviation engine building - from fundamental studies of physical processes to joint work with design bureaus on creation, development and certification of new engines as well as scientific support to their service operation in terms of reliability and failures.

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