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Efficiency. Reliability. Quality.
Send request to the company
Company name: Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Rosoboronexport"
Brief name company: Rosoboronexport State Corporation
Country: Russian Federation
Contact information: (495) 964-6183, 963-2613, 964-8311, , www.rusarm.ru
Post address of the main office: 107076, Russian Federation, Moscow, 21, Gogolevsky Blvd.

Basic directions of activity

Export/import of military/dual-use equipment and strategic raw materials.

Logistics and maintenance, delivery of spare parts, tools and accessories, special liquids, fuels and lubricants required for proper operation of the supplied materiel.

Technical assistance in construction of defence infrastructure, including arms manufacturing plants, airfields, depots, firing ranges, training centres, etc.

Delivery of materials, components, and parts for licensed arms production.

Retrofits, upgrades and modernisation of previously supplied weapon systems.

Personnel training in Russia and on customer site.

Promotion of civil-purpose innovative technologies developed by Russian defence industries.
All nomenclature of arms and military equipment for Air Force, Navy, Air Defence and Land Forces approved for export.

For communication take advantage of the essential elements of the company which are taking place in section " the Contact information " in the beginning of page.
For electronic communication take advantage of a key " To send inquiry in the company " which is located in the beginning of page.

List of names of basic let out production

All nomenclature of arms and military equipment for Air Force, Navy, Air Defence and Land Forces approved for export.

   About company
   Exhibitor of
High Technology of XXI
Russian Expo Arms
Farnborough International
Dubai Airshow
Asian Aerospace

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