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International Exhibitions

Radio Engineering Concern ”Vega”

International Aviation & Space Salon
Contact information Send request to the Company
Full Company's name: Public company ”Radio Engineering Concern ”Vega”
Brief name: Radio Engineering Concern ”Vega”
Country: Russian Federation
Chief executive: Verba Vladimir S., General director
Contact information: (095) 249-07-04, 933-15-63,
Main office address: 121170, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Moscow, 34 Kutuzovsky ave.

Main lines of business

The list of main activity directions
- carrying out research engineering and experimental development on creation of radio engineering systems and complexes of special and civil assignment and their components;
- manufacturing, marketing, maintenance and after guarantee service of radio engineering systems and complexes of special and civil assignment;
- development, manufacturing, marketing, maintenance and repairing of ground-based, on-board and spaceborne radars, including the facilities of air and space reconnaissance, airborne systems of radar patrol and guidance, systems of environmental monitoring, ground-based and airborne facilities of special and civil assignment, production of technological assignment and consumer goods;
- foreign trade activities.

List of main products

- airborne complex of radar patrol and guidance;
- multi-frequency polarimetric airborne system of Earth remote sensing with synthesized antenna aperture and digital signal processing (State premium 2000);
- multi-channel scanning system of microwave radiometers;
- universal spaceborne SARs with synthesized antenna aperture for all-weather observation and Earth remote sensing;
- airborne system of all-weather complex observation;
- Doppler sensor of speed components and distances for helicopters;
- electric reconnaissance equipment for dipole inductive profiling and Earth surface sounding;
- analogue and discrete information recorder for electrical power systems;
- the device for location and indication of biologically dangerous levels of microwave radiation.

List of other products

- medical equipment for blood service: devices for polymeric blood containers soldering, stir-dosers, automatic plasma extractors, vibrothermostats etc.;
- medical equipment for functional diagnostics: ultrasonic audiotester and echosinus-scope, laser refraction analyzer, cardiomonitor;
- medical equipment for sterilization;
- nonstandard and auxiliary medical equipment: infusion and other racks, small tables and baskets.

   About the company
Verba Vladimir S.
   Exhibitor of

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