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Avionics, Simulation, Integration.
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Company name: Federal Sate Unitary Enterprise State Research Institute of Aviation Systems
Brief name company: GosNIIAS
Country: Russian Federation
Head of the company: Fedosov Evgeny
Contact information: (095) 157-70-47, 943-86-05, , www.gosniias.ru
Post address of the main office: 125319, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Moscow, Victorenko street, 7

Basic directions of activity

· Development of sophisticated aviation complexes and armament systems
· Avionics and armament integration
· Modern avionicsТ certification tests
· Development of up-to-date computer research systems and design systems
· Development of unique hardware-in-the-loop simulation complexes and ground testing complexes
· Flight tests
· Instrumental equipment reliability and life time tests
· Development of computer systems and technologies for use in logistics, air traffic control, medical diagnostics, environmental control
· Advanced information technologies for flight safety ensuring
· Geoinformation technologies, mapping, evaluation of ecology and safety of the Russian main man-caused and native zones
· Problems of environment ecological pollution and safety during airdromes maintenance and their solving
· Bar-code and automatic identification systems

List of names of basic let out production

· Avionics Integration Rig SI-21-93I.
· Electronic Flight engineer SUSS-960 for two pilot crew of civil aviation aircraft
· Ground and onboard complex for flight data recording, control and processing УKARATФ for MIG-21 BIS Upgrade aircraft
· Ground system for flight data processing and analysis УKARAT-NФ for IL-62M, TU-154, IL-96T(TD) aircraft and others
· УSAPFIRФ - system for automated control of avionicsТ channels operation, simulation and recording
· УSURAФ - control system for algorithms and software development of onboard computers
· УERLANФ information support system for aircraft technical maintenance
· Remote sensing aircraft complex
· Automated Dependant Surveillance/Broadcasting System (ADS-B)
· Setting kits for Traffic Collision Avoidance system (TCAS II) installation

List of names other let out production

· Airborne software development in accordance with DO-178B (КТ-178А) standard
· Mechanical constructions design and analysis technology
· Sheet-working process technology
· Electronic devices mounting, assembly and test

   About company
Fedosov Evgeny
   Exhibitor of
High Technology of XXI

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