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Brief information about GosNIIAS

The institute was founded by the decree of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union of February 26, 1946 on the base on one of LII named after M.M. GromovТ laboratories. It had a NII-2 name and was founded with the purpose of scientific maintenance of aviation armament systems development. The institute has changed itТs name and status several times and on March 24, 1994 the institute (called GosNIIAS by that time) was given a status of the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation.
GosNIIAS made itТs most contribution to the development of the native military aviation during the development of armament systems for many combat aircraft, namely: bomber TU-160, fighters MIG-29, MIG-31 and SU-27, attack aircraft SU-25 and different missiles air-to-air, air-to-surface, etc.
Main results of the work in the area of civil aviation in which GosNIIAS actively participated are software development for IL-96 and TU-204 aircraft avionics and MI-38 and KA-62 helicopters avionics integration. In the area of civil aviation GosNIIAS has carried out works aimed at perfection of the current Russian Air Traffic Control System.
GosNIIAS has got wide international relations. It has carried out and is carrying out joint works with the following companies: ROCKWELL Collins, Hughes, Intermec, Digital, Evans & Sutherland, Smiths Industries, THALES (THOMSON-CSF, Sextant Avionique), CATIC, Indian Air Force, etc. Jointly with SEXTANT Avionique (France) and Mikoyan Design Bureau GosNIIAS has developed avionic set for MIG-AT training aircraft. In the cooperation with Rockwell Collins GosNIIAS specialists have developed software for IL-96M/T aircraft. The aircraft onboard equipment and software was certified in accordance with FAA (USA) and Air Register (Russia) requirements. Jointly with THALES AIRSYS GosNIIAS has carried out work for Air Control Center (Kazan, Russia) integration and itТs technical maintenance.
At present GosNIIAS actively participates in the dual technologies development, scientific and technical designs application to different areas (air transport, ground transport, medicine, banking, etc.)
GosNIIAS has developed and is applying Quality System in accordance with the international standard ISO 9001-94 (corresponding Russian standard is GOST R ISO 9001-96). About 100 GosNIIAS specialists have taken courses in the Russian training units and have received certificates of Quality Assurance Managers and Quality Experts/Auditors. In 2000 independent company УSoyuzcertФ audited GosNIIAS Quality System. As a result GosNIIAS received audit certificate ( 6300.311451/ЗЛ of 19.10.2000) stating the conformity of its Quality System to ISO 9001-94 standard. At present GosNIIAS is transferring its Quality System to ISO 2000 standard.
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