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SRC ”Academician V.P.Makeyev Desing Bureau”

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Degtyar Vladimir Grigorievich

Director and Designer General, Doctor of Sciences, corresponding member of RAS, member of the Presidium of Cosmonautics of Russia

- development of sea-based strategic complexes with submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBM);
- warranty and supervision during manufacture and operation of the rocket complexes, lifetime extension work;
- elimination of decommissioned rocket complexes;

- development of commercial launch vehicles based on SLBM components and technologies for launching recoverable vehicles to perform microgravity experiments (VOLNA), for launching spacecraft into low earth orbits (LEO) from submarines and ground launch facilities (SHTIL, SHTIL-2);

- development of new space-rocket complexes, development of commercial and scientific suborbital and LEO space vehicles;

- certification testing of space-rocket hardware using labs and experimental test facilities of SRC;

- development and serial production of medical equipment, equipment for oil refinery plants, wind & diesel electric power stations;

- development of new civil projects, in particular, recondition and construction of hydroelectric power stations on small rivers, construction of factories for electronic sterilization of various-purpose products, etc.

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