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MAKS 2005 - International Aviation & Space Salon
The sky of Russia knows us
Contact information Send request to the exhibition
Company name: Open Joint Stock Company Aggregate Design Bureau Yakor
Brief name company: ADB YAKOR, OJSC
Country: Russian Federation
Head of the company: Levin Alexander Vladimirovich
Contact information: (095) 369-28-80, 369-28-80,
Post address of the main office: 105318, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Moscow, 29, Ibragimova str.

Basic directions of activity

On-board static electric converters as secondary sources of power supply for plane helicopters and special technique.

Systems of d.c. and a.c. power supply for planes, helicopters and special technique.

Electric d.c. and a.c. engines driving pumps of fuel systems and hydraulic pumpin stations of planes and special technique.

Buffet-kitchen facilities onboard a plane.

List of names of basic let out production

ПТС-2500 - three-phase static converter of direct current into alternating current of 400 Hz for power supply of the onboard 2.5 kVa network. 2.2.2. МТП-5000 - 5.0 kVa module of three-phase power supply (functionally is similar 2.2.1).

ПТС-250С - three-phase static converter of 400 Hz alternating current into 10001 alternating current for power supply of 250 VA special equipment.

ПВИ-4МК - high-vultage pulse converter of 400 Hz alternating current into 800 voltage pulse current (functionally is similar to item 2.2.3),

СЭП-72МД - power supply system for conversion of 400 Hz alternating current in range of 90 W direct voltages (functionally is similar to item 2.2.3).

ПЧ1-2 - frequency converter of 400 Hz alternating current into 50 Hz single-phase current of industrial frequency for power supply of domestic and office equipment of 2.0 onboard a plane.

СЭС-78 - power supply system for feeding direct current to special equipment and for communication of control signals by an engine of a special object with a capacity of 4k.

КГА-3 - generating channel for emergency direct current supply of 3 kW onboard network of a plane.

АГ-0.25Д2 - generator for autonomous double-channel direct-current feeding of a for control of 250 W aviation engine.

ШЭДО-32 - electric-oven cabinet for heating food onboard a plane with an output capacity of 20 kg/hour.

List of names other let out production

MT-4 - alternating-current electric engine for driving of a 4 kW recirculating fan of object.

MT-3 - alternating-current electric engine for driving of a 3 kW hydraulic pump of object.

МП-0.55С - direct-current electric engine for driving of 550 W steering engine of special object.

МП-ЗФ - direct-current electric engine tor driving a pump in a system of aviation feathering with a capacity of 3 kW

МТЖ-15 - alternating-current electric engine for driving of a hydraulic of an object with a capacity of 15 kW.

КС-90Д-0 - stationary boiler with centralized water supply for preparing onboard a plane with an output of 90 I/hour,

K-7.5 - removable boiler without centralized water supply for preparing onboard a plane with an output of 15 I/hour.

СГС-5002К - 2-channel generation system tor direct-current supply of a system of a helicopter engine.

ПОС-500Б - emergency single-phase converter of direct current into alt* of 400 Hz for power supply of category I users of on-board network.

ГТ-90 - 90 kVA 800 Hz alternating-current generator for power supply a fire vehicle servicing gas pipelines.

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Levin Alexander Vladimirovich
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