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Brief history

OJSC ADB `Yakor` (former ODB-140) was established pursuant to MAP Order 05.07.1946 for development of onboard electric equipment.
In the first years it designed rows of plane generators and a starter for direct-сurrent of series `GSR`, `G.SR-ST` and also electric machine converters of direct current alternating current of series `PT` and `PTO`. In follow-on years the scales of phase static converters of series `POS` and PTS` were developed.
In the 1960s-1980s much efforts were made to develop systems for generation-alternating current for planes and special technique and also various d.c. and a.c. that were widely applied practically on all flying vehicles.
At present the financial condition of the enterprise is stable, the average wages: 9500 rubles, while the total volume of developments and production is more than worth; the number of the personnel is 350.
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El: 77-6097 from 14 February 2002. Publishes since February, 3, 1997.