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Augur Aeronautical Centre, Inc.

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Company name: Augur Aeronautical Centre, Inc.
Brief name company: Augur Aeronautical Centre, Inc.
Country: Russian Federation
Head of the company: Stanislav Fuodoroff
Contact information: (095) 359-10-01 359-10-65, 359-10-01 359-10-65, , www.rosaerosystems.pbo.ru
Post address of the main office: 109380, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Moscow, Stepana Shutova St., 4 building 1

Basic directions of activity

- Design, production, maintenance, operation and tests of lighter-then-air vehicles (aerostats, airships, weather balloons), aviation systems.

- Scientific research, design, production and putting into operation of materials and technologies.

- Design, production, operation and maintenance of air-supported and inflatable buildings and constructions, as well as their parts and units.

- Design and production of arms and military technologies.

- Marketing of military systems of our manufacture and produced by other defence industry enterprises.

- Training of flight and ground crews and other specialists in the fields of aviation, aeronautics and other.

- Certification of flight crews for aeronautical divisions, aviation of general-purpose and control over condition and safety of lighter-then-air vehicles.

- Publishing activities dedicated to aeronautics, aviation, ecology and related subjects.

- Advertising activities.

- Organization of festivals, exhibitions, fairs and charity actions.

List of names of basic let out production

- Manned and radio-controlled airships.
- Tethered gas and hot-air aerostats.
- Inflatable and pneumatic constructions.
- Air-supported and awning structures.
- Production and operation.

List of names other let out production

- Operation and lease of aeronautic systems.
- Balloon advertising.
- Balloon rides.

   About company
Stanislav Fuodoroff

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