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Company Sukhoi

Company Sukhoi - the main body of the Russian aviation industry consolidation in the XXI century
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Company name: Joint Stock Company "Aviation Holding Company "Sukhoi"
Brief name company: Company "Sukhoi"
Country: Russian Federation
Head of the company: Mikhail Pogosyan
Contact information: (495) 945-4422, 940-2762, 940-2663, 940-2664, 945-68-06, , www.sukhoi.org
Post address of the main office: 125284, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Moscow, 23B Polikarpova st., 604

Basic directions of activity

Company Sukhoi enterprises develop and manufacture mostly aviation technical applications of military purpose. Currently, the Su-27, Su-24, Su-25 types of aircraft and Su-33 shipborne aircraft are in service of the Russian Air Force and Navy. `Su` type combat aircraft were supplied to India, China, Iraq, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Germany, Syria, Algeria, Korean Republic, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Yemen, Egypt, Libya, Iran, Angola, Ethiopia, Peru. Total number of more than 2000 `Su` aircraft was supplied to foreign countries on export contracts.

In late 80s, Company Sukhoi designers performed a break through in the sphere of superagility modes. Maneuvers such as `Pugatchyov Cobra`, `Hook`, `Somersault` and others can not be carried out by any foreign aircraft.

Starting from the middle 90s, aircraft developed by the Company Sukhoi are equipped with TVC engines designed by JSC `Lyulka-Saturn`. It extended the area of mastered superagility modes and excluded stall and spin problems.

At present, major direction of corporation activities in the military aviation sphere is development of the export oriented Su-З0МК and Su-35 multifunctional fighters, Su-32 fighter-bomber, Su-39 strike aircraft and their operational implementation as well as completion of tests of the supersonic highly maneuverable S-37 `Berkut` (`Golden Eagle`) aircraft with swept forward wings that is a flying laboratory to develop basic technologies of a new generation aircraft.

The corporation carries on work on development of sports/piloting aircraft. Family of the Su-26, Su-29 and Su-31 single and two-seaters that were awarded more than 180 medals in international competitions will be extended.

Major corporation task is equipping the Russian Air Force with the state-of-art aviation technical applications in order to successfully implement the national military doctrine, enlarge its part of technical applications on the domestic and foreign markets by the means of prospective developments and diversification of proposed products.

Major directions of foreign economical activities are as follows:
- export of military and civil applications produced by Company Sukhoi, military purpose works and services;
- export of goods, works and services of double purpose (trainers, equipment);
- export of goods, works and services of civil purpose (aviation applications and equipment for them, consumer goods).

Foreign economical activities of `SUKHOI` company are based on the following:
- advanced scientific/production base enabling development of products competitive in the foreign market in all aspects;
- flexible mobilization system of intellectual and material resource to create samples of aviation technical applications fully compliant with foreign customers requirements;
- active marketing policy and efficient work to fulfill commitments taken.

Organization of research and design work and production management within the corporation considers needs of foreign markets and directs designers and manufacturers towards development of aviation technical applications that fully meet customers requirements.

Today, Company Sukhoi proposes the following:
- export of combat, combat/training and training aircraft and organization of their license production abroad;
- deep upgrade of already supplied aircraft to improve their characteristics up to the level of modem requirements;
- restoration and repair of already supplied aircraft that are out of operation;
- sale of licenses and organization of military and civil aircraft license production abroad;
- establishment of regional service centers for operative and intermediate repair and spare parts supplies;
- spare parts supplies.

Integration of the designer and manufacturers of the `Su` type aircraft generally reflects the uniting trend that can be obviously identified recently in the world aviation and space industry that is related to first of all increased competition in the aviation market, to the reduction of military expenses and growth of research/design work costs.

Company Sukhoi possesses a significant potential:
- capability of fulfilling foreign partners` orders requiring from the technical applications` supplier united execution of all commitments on contract;
- capability of providing series plants with new orders by the means of prospective developments based on united resource;
- export of the Su-27, Su-25 aircraft and their modifications;
- production capabilities of series plants;
- SUKHOI Design Bureau and TANTK named after Beriyev scientific/ technical potential;
- large fleet of `Su` aircraft being operated abroad that requires technical support and modernization.

Being an integrated structure Company Sukhoi ensures the most effective usage of its export potential that is estimated as $8 billion for 5 years.

Company Sukhoi now is a powerful base to form a holding uniting both military and civil aviation sectors around basic programs.

Thus Company Sukhoi possesses the needed resource to become the main body of the Russian industry consolidation in the XXI century.

List of names of basic let out production

Military airplanes Su-27, Su-24M4, Su-30MK, Su-25, Su-35, Su-39 and Su-33 ship borne aircraft.

Sport aircraft Su-31M, Su-26M, Su-29, Su-49.

Agricultirul plane Su-38L.

Hydro plane Be-103.

Civil aircraft Su-80GP, RRJ.

   About company
   Main activity
Military aviation
Su-49 (ITA)
Civil aviation
RRJ Aircraft Family
Agricultural aviation
Sport aviation
Companies in holding
Sukhoi Design Bureau, JSC
KnAAPO named after Y.A.Gagarin
NAPO named after V.P.Chkalov, JSC
TANTK named after G.M.Beriev, JSC
Co-exhibitors on MAKS 2003
Saturn NPO JSC
Ramenskoye Design Company (RDC)
Leninetz Holding Company
Scientific-Research Institute of Instrument Design Named After V.Tikhomirov (NII
SPC Zvezda, JSC
KEMZ Corporation, JSC
SMDB Zvezda-Strela, FSUE
Phazotron-NIIR, JSC
Rubin Aviation Corporation, JSC
GosMKB Vympel, FSUE
Novator Design Bureau, JSC
Gidromash, JSC
GosMKB Raduga, FSUE
Stavropol radioplant Signal, JSC
   Exhibitor of
Farnborough International
High Technology of XXI

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