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Ulan-Ude aviation plant (U-UAP)

"To be superior is our work!"
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Company name: Joint Stock Company Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant (U-UAP)
Brief name company: Ulan-Ude aviation plant (U-UAP)
Country: Russian Federation
Head of the company: L. Ya. Belykh
Contact information: (3012) 25-74-75 25-35-55, 25-21-47, , www.uuaz.ru
Post address of the main office: 670009, Russian Federation, Buryatiya, Ulan-Ude, Khorinskaya str., 1

Basic directions of activity

The Main kinds of Company activity are:
production, sale, maintenance and repair of aeronautical engineering and other production of industrial purpose ;
production of consumer goods, of cultural and community purpose , rendering of paid services to the people;
rendering of assembling services;
rendering of credit and financial services;
implementation of foreign trade activities, including import - export operations;
construction and reconstruction of the operational industrial and social objects;
organization of public catering, production and realization of foodstuffs;
wholesale and retail trade;
Tourist activity, including international tourism;
The company has the right to execute other kinds of the activity which are not forbidden by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
The company is engaged in production, storage and sale of arms according to the current legislation and standard acts of the Russian Federation.
Separate kinds of activity the list of which is determined by the current legislation of The Russian Federation , the Company can be engaged only on the special permission basis (Licenses).

List of names of basic let out production

Production of Mi-171 helicopters and its modifications;
Production of SU-25UB and SU-39 aircraft ;
Repair of MI-8 /MI –17 type helicopters ;
Delivery of spare parts.

List of names other let out production

Rowing glass-fibre boat "TUZIC_CARTOP";
Rowing glass-fibre boat "Okhotnitchya";
Motor –rowing glass-fibre Boat "SAIDA";
Single-seat twill-hull ship;
Windsurfing board(a sailing board);
Paddles , blades;
Car jack;
Control rod tips;
Electrotechnical items.

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