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Brief History

The enterprise came into being in 1939 when the repair facilities for I-16 fighters (of Polikarpov design) and SB high-speed bombers were set in Ulan-Ude. With outbreak of World War II, the plant designated by then as “Plant № 99” began manufacturing Pe-2 bombers. In 1943 it commenced production of La-5 fighters (Lavochkin), during the period 1944-1946 La-7 fighters, and in 1946 La-9 fighters. With the Soviet military aviation transition to jet aircraft, Lavochkin piston-engine fighters gave place to MiG-15 UTI fighting trainers widely operated by Air Force of many countries for many years.
In 1956 our plant began a new chapter in its life, first starting the production of Ka-15 helicopters with coaxial main rotor, followed soon by Ka-18s. In early 60-s the sea- and ground-based cruise missiles were in production. 1961-1965, the plant manufactured the high-altitude reconnaissance airplanes and target planes Yak-25RV. In late 60-s the An-24B passenger airplanes were produced. 1965-1975, the plant manufactured Kamov Ka-25 ship-borne turbine-powered helicopters for the Navy of the Soviet Union and other countries. In 1977 the MiG-27M supersonic fighters-bombers production was set.
In 80-s the Su-25UB combat trainers were put on the production line, later the small run of Su-25UTG trainer airplanes was manufactured. These planes are used for training the naval pilots operating the fighters which are based on a heavy aircraft-carrier cruiser “Admiral Kuznetsov”. 1989-1993, the plant jointly with other Russian enterprises arranged under license the MiG-27 airplanes production in India. In middle 90-s simultaneously with Su-25UB combat trainer fighter manufacturing, the plant set the production of Su-39 modernized single-seated fighters.
The production of different versions of multipurpose helicopter of Mi-8 type has been the most important production program for 30 years. The main thrust in the Mi-8 family development was creation of Mi-8AMT (export brand Mi-171) and Mi-8AMTSh (export brand Mi-171Sh) versions powered by more powerful and power-saving engines which substantially enhanced the rotary-wing aircraft characteristics.
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