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Aviaavtomatika Design Bureau, JSC Pribor


Stores management system (SMS)

Stores management system

Airborne equipment manufacture

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Meets GOST RV20.319.304-98.
SMS for aircraft of Su-30MKK, Su-30MKI, MiG-29SMT and other types.
Designed for weapon preparation and employ control as well as weapon and avionics mating.
SUO includes:
-Smart interface and peripheral units providing linking with avionics and SUO.
-Emergency operation unit.
-Local channel for data exchange.
The store management system ensures projective building ability for future and upgraded aircraft due to a functionally complete module set.

SUO ensures:
-Existent and future air-to-air and air-to-surface weapon control
-High reliability and safety of weapon use.
-Smart interface between avionics and weapon due to integrated computing facilities.
Built-In-Test providing condition test for SUO component parts and for weapon interface.
Technique of SUO and weapon interaction.

Ground test equipment KPZ-30PI SET
It is designed for aboard serviceability check of weapon control circuits.
KPZ-30PI set contains air-to-air and air-to-surface weapon simulators, PPN-30PI troubleshooting panel, and test cables.
It ensures:
-check of weapon control power circuits on board;
-indication of integral circuit serviceability;
-blocking of operator`s faulty actions;
-localization of faulty aircraft weapon control circuits by PPN-30PI panel.
KPZ-30PI set is universal and could be used by any aircraft employing the weapon types limited by KPZ-30PI weapon simulator list. The list could be expanded when employing in other aircraft.

Flight simulator plug equipment LZI SET
It is designed for aircrew study to operate weapon and avionics without real weapons and their suspension facilities (aerial ejection unit, launcher, bomb rack, multiple-lock rack). LZI set contains simulators of air-to-air, air-to-surface, aircraft guided bomb, aerial bomb, and rocket projectiles.
It ensures:
-simulation of weapon availability on station and its type;
-simulation of weapon preparation, readiness, and launch (release);
-removal of availability simulation after weapon employed.

The simulators should be checked by the standard test equipment, which is used for SUO check.
Flight simulators should be attached to wing joints of stations.
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Airborne equipment manufacture
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