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Company name: Governmental Unitary Research and Production Enterprise All-Russia Research Institute of electromechanics with plant named after A.G.Iosiphyan
Brief name company: NPP VNIIEM
Country: Russian Federation
Head of the company: Makridenko Leonid A
Contact information: (095) 365-56-10, 366-26-38, , www.vniiem.ru
Post address of the main office: 101000, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Central Post Office

Basic directions of activity

Automatic space vehicles.
Onboard equipment for space vehicles.
Ground automated test complexes for space vehicles.
Electrical equipment for Nuclear power plants.
Computing management facilities.
Electromagnetic bearings.
Electric drivers, electrical machines and apparatus.
Medical equipment.
Electrotechnical materials and technology.
Testing of equipment on effect of environmental factors and electromagnetic compatibility.

List of names of basic let out production

Unified space platform "Resurs-UCP".
Space complex "Meteor - ЗМ".
Solar array orientation system of spacecrafts.
Precision local horizon sensor for SC.
Flywheel motors for SC orientation and stabilization systems.
Brushless DC electrical motors.
Onboard static converters

List of names other let out production

Complexes of electrical equipment for Nuclear power plants.
On-board electromagnetic relay 8Э-123М.
Electromagnetic bearings for machine building.
Electrical drives for fittings of underground gas storage.
Induction motors ADA for Nuclear power plants.

Medical equipment:
Post-operation aspirator OP-2.
Surgical electrical depilators-coagulators ЭКХ-12-01 and ЭКХ-25-01.
Electrotechnical materials and technology.

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