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Brief history

NPP VNIIEM was founded on September 1941 for the development and production of military electrical engineering (communication facilities, power suppliers and armament).
Since the end of 40-s A.G. losiphian the Director of NPP VNIIEM was assigned as the General Designer for rocket and later on space technology electrical equipment.
In the middle of 60-s NPP VNIIEM became a parent organization in development and manufacture of spacecrafts for hydrometeorology and Earth remote sensing.
Since 1963 up to 1998 more than 70 spacecrafts such as three generation of "Meteor": " Meteor-Priroda", "Resours-Ol", "Electro" have been developed, launched and successfully operated in orbit.
The Institute takes part in realizations of large space programms (orbital stations "Salyut", "Almaz", "Mir", "MKS", heavy rockets "Proton", "Soyuz" and others).
The electrical equipment designed for control and protection systems of PWR type nuclear reactors and information-computing systems designed for RBMK type nuclear power plants have been developed.
At present NPP VNIIEM is a multi-purpose innovatory firm and is engaged in research, design, manufacture, commissioning, author supervision.
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