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Ural Optical Mechanical Plant

Send request to the company
Company name: Federal State Unitary Enterprise Production Association Ural Optical Mechanical Plant
Brief name company: PA UOMP
Country: Russian Federation
Contact information: (343) Отдел продаж: Тел. (343) 229-85-12, 229-82-01, общий 229-80-06, в Москве (495) 460-41-66, 460-49-29, 365-90-94, , www.uomz.ru
Post address of the main office: 620100, Russian Federation, Sverdlovsk region, Ekaterinburg

Basic directions of activity

The Federal State Unitary Enterprise Production Association “Urals Optical & Mechanical Plant” is one of the leading enterprises of Russia specializing in development and manufacture of optical-mechanical and optical-electronic equipment for military and civil applications.

The enterprise has a wide range of various technologies which allow to provide a modern production level.

The FSUE PA “UOMZ” exercises its activity in the following directions:

- production of high precision geodetic equipment;
- production of medical equipment;-
- production of gyrostabilized optronic systems;
- production of consumer goods.

At present the enterprise co-operates with leading companies from Europe and USA in the matters of establishment of joint production in the field of geodesy, medicine, consumer goods. The Association successfully exports its products to 35 countries all over the world, including the countries of Latin America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia.

   About company
   Main activity
   Exhibitor of
Farnborough International
High Technology of XXI
Russian Expo Arms

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