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Company name: RA Intervestnik Publishing House
Brief name company: RA INTERVESTNIK
Country: Russian Federation
Contact information: (095) 158 3305 158 9881 158 9501 254 7525, 956 0107 254 5584, , www.airfleet.ru
Post address of the main office: 125057, Russian Federation, а/я 77

Basic directions of activity

`World Airshows` - Magazine is dedicated to the world aerospace market, foreign projects, largest airshows. Distributed via direct mail to Russia and the CIS, subscription and retail sale. Print-run is 5,000 copies. Has ABC certification. 6 issues a year. English-language magazine about the aerospace equipment in Russia and the CIS. Distributed via direct mail in Asia, Africa, Latin America: at the world`s airshows, via subscription abroad. Print-run is 10,000 copies. 6 issues a year. English-language magazine about armament and defence equipment in Russia and the CIS. Distributed via direct mail in Asia, Africa, Latin America; at the world`s defence exhibition; via subscription abroad. Print-run is 10,000 copies. 6 issues a year.

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