:.. / РА Интервестник

РА Интервестник

Всего: 1

ЗАПРОС: 28 сентября 2005г. -

Отправитель: MRS AVACHAT
Текст запроса: Ministry of Defence , Govt of India Armament R & D Establishment Armament Post Pashan,PUNE 411021 India To Intervestnik Publishing House ARDE/21/14(ii)/61-TECH Dear Sir We have sent on 13 Dec 2004 a cheque (No.33918 dt 30.11.2004) for $ 90.00 towards a one year subscription to Arms magazine for the period Jan-Dec 2005. However we have not received any receipt for this payment. We have also not received a single issue of this journal which is a much-demanded journal in our library. We are facing strong audit objections on account of this non-supply even after having sent the payment well in advance. We have corresponded with you several times before by email/Fax but no response has been received from you. You are urgently requested to look into the matter and send us all the journal issues for 2005 published so far and also send us an official receipt for the payment made by us which was sent to you by registered air mail at the following address : .Arms defence Technologies Review Intervestnik Publishing House LLC PO Box 77 MOSCOW 125057 Russia AN IMMEDIATE RESPONSE TO THIS URGENT LETTER IS ANTICIPATED. Yours sincerely MRS SS AVACHAT SCIENTIST E .

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